01-09-33 Regular r- i l 1:- COUNCIL CHAMBER .January 9th, 1933. lie ~ The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. The Mayor and all members of the Council were present. The minutes of meetings held December 26th, 1932, and January 3rd, 1933 were read and after 60rrecting paragraph two on page twenty-three of December 26th meeting the minutes were approved. A communication was received from the Delray Beach Recreation Club thanking the Council for the $250.00 which they had contributed to that organization. The letter was ordered filed. A committee from the Delray Beach High SChool, headed by William George, came be fo re the Clounc il, with a request that the City repair the tennis courts on the i9chool grounds. The committee was referred to the ClountY::3choolBoard. Mr. Diggans of the Park C6mt1it~~jiev(?k~edthat the me tter of repairing the building at ~~io:isposalplant in the City Park was now in progress. ., Mr. Smith, of the Street Commi.ttee, repor'tedthat he had investigated the cost of rocking, and oiling"Andrews Street on the beach, the cost of which would be apprqximately $617.76. Mr. Smith offered the following motion>: That the sum of $617.76 be appropriated and set, aside from the General Fund for the purpose of rocking the above mentioned street from a point sixty-six feet North of, the intersection of Atlantic Avenue North a distance of appxoximately six hundred feet and sixteen feet wide, providing, a right of way of ten feet on each si de can be secured from adjacent property owners on said street. The moticn was seconded by Mr. Crego and on roll call unanimously carried. Mr. Smith offered the following m6ti6U! That the sum of '300.00 be appropriated and set aside from the Water Plant Fund to be used far repainting the wat,er tank at the water plant. The motion was seconded by Mr,. Foote and on roll call unanimously carried. The Street Clommittee was requested to secure prices as to the cost of pipe necessary to repair the Atlantic Avenue sewer and report. :rr 1 , I i .1 I j 1 j , 1 ;1 , ; I 1 j t'" i I I , , J ~ ~ Ii ., B;r " r ~\' eC Council Chamber - .January 9th, 1933. f, Mr. Foote reported that he had investigated the cost for material necessary to make the repairs needed at the old Chamber of Cornrrerce Hall, the cost of which would be $164.99. Mr. Smith IlDved that the sum of $164.99 be set aside out of the Special Improvement Fund for the purpose of paying material bills up to that amount on the old Chamber of vornrrerce Hall in accordance with the specifica- tions and prices submitted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and on roll call unanimously carried. ~ ~ Mr. Smith then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED'That the money now in the Water Plant Fund or that may be hereafter placed in that fund shall be allocated and held and expended for the purposes following and for no other purpose: 1st. All eXpenditures far running plant and keeping same, // and water system in repair, including extensions or improve~ ments as may be authorized by the Oouncil. , 2nd. Salary of keeper of water plant. 3rd. Salary of superintenden t of Publi c Works. 4th. Sal~y of one deputy clerk in the ci ty office. 5th. Salary and pay of fire departmen t. . 6th. Ijlmergency expenses of the FiI'e Department'as may be allowe<! by the Council. , ' It was seconded by Mr. Jacobs and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crego no, Mr. Diggans yes, Mr. Foote no, Mr. .Jacobs yes and Mr. Smith yes. The motion was declared carried. Mr. Crego, of the Ordinance Committee, recommended tha t the present plumbing ordinance be enforced. After some discussion the matter was held over as a special matter of business for the rnxt regular meeting. I I I I l I N ,~ Mr. Crego offered the following motion: That the Park Committee oe authorized and instructed to have the beach chairs repainted. ThemQtionwas seconded by Mr. Smith and unanimously carried. The matter of the bills of Fred E. Fenno was referred to the Finance Committee. Mayor Hall announced that he had accepted the resig- natiOn of R. H. Mitchell as motorcycle policeman to take effect January 15th, 1933. Mayor Hall announced the appoint~ ment of E. M. Lanz as mo tOI'cycle policeman as of .January 15, 1933. Mr. Crego moved that the appointment of Mr. Lanz pe 1 ; J, & i15' o Council Chamber - .January 9th, 1933. l'I " approved and confirmed. The motion was seconded by Mr. bmith and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Diggans yes, Mr. Foote no, Mr. Jacobs yes and Mr. Smi th yes. The salary ordinance was then taken up. Mr. Smith moved that the ordinance be amended to ~ead a monthly salary of one twelfth the amount stipulated in the original ordinance instead of the annual salary. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and unanimously carried. Mr. Crego offered the following amendment and moved its adoption: That the Mayors salary now reading $300.00 a year be changed to read $20.00 a month. That the five Councilmen salaries now reading $300.00 a year each be changed to read $20.00 a man th each. That the Muhicipal .Judge salary now reading $300.00 a year be charg ed to read $12.50 a month. That the salary of the Cit:y Clerk now reading $1800.00 a year be changed to read $120.00 a month. That the salary of Police vhief now reading $1800.00 a year be changed to read $120.00 'a month. That the salary of SUperintendent of Public Works now reading $1800.00 a year be changed to read $120.00 a month. That the Fire ~hief, the assistants to the City Clerk, the assistant to the Superintendent of Public Works, the Deputy Police and City A ttorney be inc luded in sai d ordinance. That the Fire Chief receive $120.00 a month; That the assistants to the City Clerk receive $80.00 a month. '1<, That the assistant ,to the Superintendent of Public Works receive $80.00 a mon~h. That the Deputy Police receive $100.00 a month. That the City Attorney receive a retainer fee of $10.00 a month. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and on roll call 'the vote was as follows: Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Diggans no, Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Jacobs no and Mr. 8mi th no. 1 1 I , I I " I 1 j I l'! ~ .~ 1 .' ~ ~ Mr, Jacobs moved that the original ordinance be amended to read that the Municipal Judge shall be paid the sum of $10.00 per month. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smi th and on roll call una,nimously carried. Mr. Smith then offered the following motion, amend- ing the ordinance to read: Provided always that t.heabove salaries as above fixed are subject to change by the Council at the eA1liration of any calendar month dWl'ing l!!llidensuing calendar year. The motion, was se conded by Mr. Jacobs .and on... .., ' n roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. vr~go yes, Mr. Diggans no, Mr. Foote no, Mr. JacObs yes and Mr. Smith yes. The motion was declared carried. l i 1 I f: .Jacobs __~a:~ ! ordin- i 1 It was moved by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. that the first line of paragraph two of the original ance' be changed to read "may" instead of "shall". ''; l, >, Council Chamber - January 9th, 1933. ~T .",..., L~, " :iVIr. Smith then Il'Dved that the ordinance as amended be passed on second reading and adoption. The motion was seconded by jljIr. Jacobs and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. .Crego no, Mr. Diggans yes,JVIr. Foote no, Mr. Jacobs yes and Mr. Smith yes. The motion was declared carried. t; The current bills having been audited and a.K',d by. the Finance Vommittee were referred back to the Council and on roll call ordered paid: ~ ~ Flamingo Service Station The Paint Store Fisher, Inc., .J. Myers & Son Standard Oil Company W. A. Jones Delray Beach Fire Dept. A. Smock L. .J. Nichols Delray Lumber Company Florida Power & Light Co. $ 7.80 4.50 1.90 15.80 85.23 40 . 60 45.00 11.75 7.56 33.37 37 . 50 It was regtllarly moved, seconded and carried that the Council adjourn. . APPROVED: pf,&~c~ !o , ? ,.~ ,