01-23-33 Regular 43 c' COUNCIL CHAMBER January'23rd, 1933. .. The Council met in regular sesslion at 7:30 P. M. The Mayor and all members of the Council were present. ~ The minutes of meetings held .January 9th and January 12th were read and after the minutes of .JanUary 12th were corrected to read: That imrr.ediately following the reading of the Mayors call Mr. Crego inquired if the Mayor had signed the salary ordinance. When told he had not Mr. Jacobs moved that the Coone 11 adj ourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crego. Before taking the vote Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Street Committee, r:equested to nake a report regarding' the paving and oiling of Andrews Street. This report was granted and after the matter Wad discussed the vote was taken on the motion to adjourn and unanimously carried. A communication was read f:rom Mr. T. B:.Betinett,. Tax Agent of the Florilia East Coast Ilailroad,;t'equesting/ that the railroad be relieved of all penaltiesandintere,st on their 1931 taxes. On motion duly made, seconded and carried this matter was carried over until the adjourned meeting to be held Fri day, .January 27th, 19~3. Mr. Emma tt C. Hall then came be fore the Council a reque st that the Counc il define the ir in tention with reference to enforcing the ClJ.oupat ional license ordinance on tent shows. The matter was discussed at considerable lenl!!th. .J ., I I ~, Later a communication was received and ~ead from the Milton-Myers Post, of the American Legion requesting that they be exempt from paying an occupa t :tonal license for operating amusements and shows. After some discussion it was reguilarly moved, seconded and e.arried that this ma tte,r be held over until Friday, .January 27th, 1933, at 2P.'.M.,'i<';',u.,<,,,,,.. Mr. C. Y. Byrd came before the CouncE wi th reference to securing a right of way for the p:roposed widening, of ' Andrews "venue on the be ach. Mr. Smith also reported that a ten foot right of way had been secured for approxi1lla.tely the North three hundred feet of the street and offered the, following motion: That the Street Committee be au thorized", and instructed to proceed with the rocking and Oiling of < Council Chamber - .January 23rd, 1933. ~ 11" approxine.tely the North three hundred feet of said Avenue when and at sue h time as q vi t claim deeds are obtained from all abutting property owners on said Avenue for the above three hundred feet. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crego and on roll call unan imCll 51 y carrie d. Mr. .J. L. Troup reported that the Street light at the corner of N. E. Seventh Avenue and First Street was out and the ne.tter was referred to the Light Committee. !-( Mr. Crego reported that it was the opinion of the Ordinance Committee that the plumbing ordinance shou~ be enforced and that the necessary IlRchinery to enfo:ree the same should be set up at once. Further action was carried Over until the next regular meeting. The Clerk reported that he was now Checking over the old accounts of Fred E. Fenno but was not ready to make a final report. Commuhications were read from the following; foundart. companies quoting prices on sewer pipe: ill! , , , , Central FoUndary Company R. D. Wood & Company U. S. Pipe & Foundary Company These communications were ordered filed for futul'e reference. Mr. Foote, Chairman of the Finance Committee, ~epqrte4 that his committee had checked the collateral securities held by the City Treasurer securing the bank accounts of the' Ci ty as follows: $15,000.00 U. S. Gowernment bonds from the Central Farmers Trust Com~any of West Palm Beach, Florida, and ~2,OOO.OO U. S. Government bonds wi th the Florida State Bank of Delray Beach, Florida. 45' The veto :qJessage of Mayor Hall vetoing .the salary""","",;;,,,,,,,,,,'A"\'~"" ordinance passed on .January 9th, 1933, was read and ordered' ' filed. .' Mr. Crego then introduced the following ordinance and moved its adopt ion: AN ORDINANCE BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, :FIXING THE SALARIES OF THE CITY OFFICIAIS AND EMPLOYEES OF DELRAY BEACH, AND REPEALING OTHER ORDINANCES. The motion was secdndedbYj;;.; . < 47 i:i Council Chamber - .January 23rd, 1933. l:: c- Ntr. Foote and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Diggans no, Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Jacobs no, and Mr. Smith yes. The Ordinance was declared passed on firs treading. lli" Mayor Hall then addressed the Council and emphasized the importance of the CounOil getting together and working out a salary ordinance. He also notified the Council that he would refuse to sign the pay checks of the City offioials if they were drawn under the salary resolution governing this matter last year and that he felt the only authOrity now eXisting for the payrr.ent of salariesacoOrding to the City Charter was under the ordinanoe passed September 24th, 1930. ~. I, Mr. Smith then offered the fOllOWing resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTIOn FIT THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEIRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING THE HOLDOVER EMPLOYEES AS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES, AND FIXING THE TEMPORARY SALARIES FOR THE OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES. ." ~ WBEREAS, The Mayor and Council of the Oi ty of J)elray Beach have not as yet, designated the City employees ~or the fiscal year 1933; AND, WHEREAS FURTHER, said Mayor and Council have not fixed the salary or wage to be paid therefor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the authorities aforesaid that the employees <for 1938 be,requested to continue in their respective positions and they are hereby deSignated as hOldover, temporary employees of said City until and at such time as the Mayor and City Council might make such appoin tmen ts and fix the salarie s therefor for the remainder of said enSUing fiscal year. /: " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the officials and employees shall be paid hereunder on a monthly and/or semi- monthly or weekly basis, as the case might be, an amount equal to the monthly, ami-monthly or weekly payments paid for such respective services during the fiscal year 1932, as per resolu tion adopted on the 11th day of :TanuarY,,A.!,D. 1932; sane to 0 ontinue as a tamporary arrangement un in. tlia authorities aforesaid have, by ordinanoe or otherwise, made such changes as they mi ght from time to time see fit to make. The motion was seconded by Mr. .Jacobs and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crego lIo, Mr. Diggans yes, Mr. Foote no, Mr. .Jacobs yes and Mr. Smith yes. The' motion was d,eclared carried. ~ ,; ~> , I ~ 4!J Council Chamber - .January 23rd, 1933. ~ The following bill s having been audited and O.K.' d by all members of the Finance COmmittee were on motion duly made, seconded and on roll call unanimously carried, ordered paid: Ocean City Lumber Company Sou thern Bell Telephone Co. Farquhar lVIach inery Ccmpany Halsey & Griffith, Inc., Delray Hea t ing &:: Plumbing Co. Florida Powe~ & Light Company Delray Beach ~ire Depirtment R. O. GuptilJ. L. .J. Nichols !" ~ $ 33.52 16.75 5.98 10.32 3.60 567.53 8.50 29.60 40.60 '. It was regularly mO~ed, seconded and carried that the Counoil adjourn to meet Friday, .January 27th, 1933,at 2 P. M. lQ.. APPROVED: ~~ President 0 he 00 1. ~.,