01-27-33 Adjourned Regular . 51" r" , l " COUNCIL CHAMBER .January 27th, 1933. I\" The Council met in adjourned regular session at 2 P. M. All members of the Croncil were present. The fOllowing motion was offered by Mr. .Jacobs: Tha t bo th of the Ci ty ja 11s be thoroughly cleaned and put in sanitary condition and that six new pads or mattresses be purchased for the jail cots. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and on roll call unanimously carried. Fire Chief Cook came before the Council and requested an additional $25.00 to complete the painting etc. of the old Chamber of Commerce Hall. Mr. Foote then offered the fOllowing motion: That a sum not to exceed $25.00 be set aside to complete this work. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith and on roll call unanimously carried. A communication was then read from the berican Legion requesting permission to put on shows and entertain- ments without paying an occupational license. Mr. A. L. Miller ca~ before the Council and explained ,the,plaJ1s the Legion had in mind. Mr. E. C. Hall protes:&ed. theā‚¬\ranting of any concession. After the matter hadbE:jel1 discussed at length Mr, Smith offered the fOllowing 14otion: That the Milton-Mayers Post of the American Legion be refUnded the amount of the occupational license to hClld a tent show February 16th, 17th and 18th, 1933, in lieu of services rendered as police offi cers, placing life ropes at 'theb each and the performance of other civic services. The mtion was seconded by Mr. Foote and on roll call unanimously carried. Mr. Foote offered the following motion: That the Ordinance Committee be instructed to prepare an ordinance a~nding the occupational license ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith and unanimously carried. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried tpat the Counc i1 ad j ourn. t ~l APPROVED: ~~.. . 1. ~,