02-13-33 Regular , "" "'* 53' COUNCIL CFl'~mu<:R J~~y 13th, 1933. T.beCop,ncll met in reguJAJr sesslon at 7,t30P:~M. The Mayor and all members or the Oouno11 were present. '!'he lI11n\1t$$ of Iileetings held Janus.'llt 23:.:4 and 27th were read and approved. The a~pltU,1i-;1.9Jlir.9t: M>>,s. B. A. 13ut1er~l1d ~$; Elizabeth OhlSh~fitie' "tllad and Gn motl?l1 dUly; made', seoonded and oarr1ed :!reterred to '\Jhe F1Danoe GommlUee. i.~:;'~~~~~~~~~. bUls. The .t,ter was zetened to the Mat..."t~~' :rl'l11.~, that the dUlt1'1butl011 ot haIld 11:1118 lr~Il~'\1;,~~~,9-~e.~.~.lt>>c>- Slt10n ~4 not 111 l~. lrUh the u.~,te;l.e8#aPbibus:l.ness', the:J7eto:re a license should be charge'd. . HI. OG_nlOa'\!1on lra~*eM t~.~~,.;+';q~;Ml,l,wj,th Jl'eferenee .~'the elli.!Jlll1'l..81tlon sf l...._~te.w '\If,tq.l.~ts. ::.==r':"t~~'~'~~.i;~~'.. ( 'M>>~ s.mlt,h t","11 in, t.,d"\1,,e,ed the 1', OiU,.",.cnv,':I.~,.",~"e~?,,'J,>>,.,',i,,;I,:.~~, "". \ ed moved ;I. ts aclo:pllh:n: ~~ ,~l pa3!UeS' ~~l~:P#'JI':!'J'~y al>'lltt1t1g 011 ....dr.1I's.~t3t.et fO):' a, d'1,$~,CI.ot,"f,~+:~"i,,~; ,);1;,., b.ap ,4..ded ten teet iiH1.aeh is 14eot S~d $~~~,'IIOC;~~~'I\,n" ' 01' ~~,Be..h toll St..8t .P~O$e8i.;'Utm$j't~~ t~~~~t' ~PI.t:r;>*y ul1on1tll:l.IJ:tl. ,the liJeao.iit Hot.~;f.ls~tu~11ed,gfiJ~i a$ the$'Mre~t~ ,!Otd P2,'ope;>ty, Wh~,h, abu_"">iiUl'tho'~"1~i::' 1114e ot ..id '~.eet at the SW'lIh tmd of a d1llte.no8 of> lJpprox-, 1lI1ately 158 toe'!;. , ilU!l:REAS. Fu7ther, attne of the i ntehlJ'be<1pa~tl,'lJin. said Beac~'ut Hotel 1l:au1l l:l$ve ind1Cated thel:lfVl:llJ.t~.li!: to deed sald 'lien (J,Olt'.ll OIl w..t s;!.de of sa;!.dp:lfI1lP!!!'~tr:,.o the City and it ls )elle"'ed tha,!; suoh deed tos!,lcl eU~lti.:J.l be mad!t ..s soon as the prepeJl'l;y is out (1)1' liUga,llione.A~thl! tne oWJl,e>>e o~ b. alillJe.,~a4JUl'd. ".;" '" .,.. "",,,:,,," NOW, 1'BEBEFOB,E, ~E IT RESOLVED 1.t sald,~1,tYO~:q,'C:I.,~. th,e payelllent 01' said A1141!tws Sll..U, South to, ~1!~AAt1().Aii,~ll.Ue a w;l.dth ot 16 tee.. ani 1't1#ther, that said C1Vj"':t1l1il#,~e litigat10n on 1ihe Seaol.'ElS't' Hoh1 proPQt1es ~Sll~:r:m~J1l).d Ud the '!;we OWlle:lfS th$1'eo1' as~el'tainCtd. Pl'OCe,~~;,~~~~~~.~ dUd to the We.t l() ~"1! t"bllreH to:!:. abeet pU#l'..e,....t#\ f~the", it sald ,,10, t..J Qe nl)t so deeded to '!;4~I<at~1l~. 55' r .,'~~ Counoil Chamber - 3' ..........J:3" 13th, 1933. " forth"l tI1 t)ie~ell.t'u .'legiU p:aooetildlngs 'be . 1hsU1rdte(l" to .,- cona.Jim said ten feet, as above deecr1bed, 1"01' stilleet PU- poees. - If' ~ ~ L, fir j}7.dJ, Counoil Chamber - 7aau~3 l3~h, 1933. Them t'hr of purohasil1g sewer p&Jl$ tn the ~pai:t:;.. ing of sewer on A:tu'ntioAvenue was disOussed and laid oVe:Jl until t::41~: :':~..":::.~t"o.. '''~H .~~~. ~ nferenee te hiS oQn tra!)t to do the a\1d1~ fO>>tlUJ '. ~~ / ' ::~:~erT:t t~. Y;:n '\:r~frf:eoi=r:~,~~~:lj::"~g~th\~ ,r:. " TOif his sezrvioesas atidltor tor the llemalnlBo;r tl1e~lScal ' year. The m" ill ti 0"n was", seo, on", ded by Mr, JePO,'tl".".n, d, .,','..,.....,.,'~,~l.,(i., .,~1, call the vote was as follows: Mr. O:J:'lJ80' Ye.1l" . Mr;;;i~~s yes,Mr. FQo1le @;Mr.Jab"bs yes nd ." Sm;l.th:!ll,t. -T13,\!I moti on waa,.lfeil1li.. carrie d. , ' , CUrrent U11s ha"ing been ebeeked a,nd ()~,Il;"td by- tlle' :rinanee 001llll1iUee were refeaed back to the Cl1ltuiou, andQ. :roote moved that the following bills O.K. tel by the J';l.l1attce Comm1 ttee be pal d: ' ' r ~ ! L. LOveDwg 00" rq. . AI4ns8oglllaph $a.1.ee 00'. Deiray Eiellltr1c Oo~ Fi8lll.1nge $.rV1ceS1lathn Goean C;l.ty L~ber g~pany Oange S'b.,te OU COll1pany Sezv1ce GaZ$.ge Standard On C()lllpany Dei:n.y Beach Fire De>>t. ,25 1.54 2~35 6.20 lS.a4 94.. 3.5.18 89. 'IS '16. 00 " Adams He.at~""'re. .. ii?S s. Fla. Boiting Glill. 3.00' 01 ty Of ~~~ay ,B. ~,~1)9-; . F.,.q!1ho lJaohine:r:y , 4./10'. 'J.i~ 'Mb& ,:t1. CO~'3'7;;~~,}." . !bj.:.Pa1nt Sto,. . 4o'ii~t' 1'. 'A. ,JOn8S 50;63} ClUtTer J'U#nUure 15..00, ' ~ . ".,- ',', .':'--, \:::t~',<.:>v '--';:, -'e., The motion was seconded by 10. .Taoobs'and f)b<OIlJl;LcalJ:unah:":.' 1mously carr1ed. I* was regularly moved, seconded and ea>>J.'1ed *hat the Oouncil adjolmn to meet l!\J1day, l!'eb:ruary l'l~h, 1938, a* 2'P;"Il. Couno1l adjourned. APPROVED: L J:~cw,. hesldent ,the ,', . if . .:~. .. - .. " ,- .. "'.' "- ,,",...., ~~i.1 .. --'.-"" >>-./i":("': '.-'l'