02-17-33 Adjourned Regular
r--- .
7ebruary 17th, 1933.
'fhe CQu.nell met in adjouJ:ned regula:J.' ,sel'lSib ai 11
P. M. The llayoJ: and all membeJ:s of the C.ll.noll we:J:e pJ:esent.
'fhe City AUO:L'll.ey reUan: 0111111011 ',"h8.~.)e~l1-~,qUes-
ted top:l:epe,:te de1'1l:iing 2. U11e:tut:lDlNfohaah. ~S.sopl~i3;ojr
sustained the oonte11'fl1Q11 sn up in..,t. c.mt~:l.,.oOlllllun2.-
oat ion to the Cannotl ooncerning ittne_ant me'ehants.
'fhe sd$.JrY o:l:dinanoe tiXing the 81U8.a:ies..t, Ol~Y ,,'
Q'tf:l.oil.als and ellllllQyees oame u.p fl!JtJ: S80Qlld M,~,t,f!Wil~e~~Jt'.D8~
'fhe OJrd,Ulanoe _,$ a:ea~ in,' ~ll .tller wh;l.dh .~,1~~!i~mo"'e~;
2. ts adojl1l1on. The mo1l1 on was seoon ded by .i ;li'lo\1;e. '
MiJr.em:l.th o1'te~ed, the fOll.owIJjlg Wilt1Qn;~t~tlGle
ej,ght :tegard1Z18 an $ossislllll1t 1;Q, the City (l~e;;'lc,J'rJ;I/il~110a,l1rn'"
an:e. be stili.ken. '!'he Wiltlon,1f$.!I ,seooll4edbrJl#~;;l',~~,.ei,.nl1
on roll call the vote was IlS toll..;MiJr .a~$O~",_~, . "
D1ggans '18s, MJo. :root. .OJ M):' J'aoobs yes and ~'.';'emlthtl.~
'1'hl!I motion wasdellla",ed curied. ' _. ,
MiJr., 8m1, th, the n ,IllDV, ed.:If,1:l.", ,a, t .., t:l,Ol.,' NJ.J1,.", ','". l~'"""".'".;fi, " ',.,' ",~,i"'..,..,.~,..~.".i!i'1,,",','.,',,re, ,':1:1"0,,,11, /
to a depatypo11c.bes'llmck!hit_mthe lllarll1il~~~l.".',.~>/
mQU on was se condedby M1Jr .J'/lcol>eand .h",l,Jl'!$,~!lf..tJ1'fh;;Y'~~;;:
::~ ~:o~:;l;::: an~Mr?':~t:I>;.::. ~gg:fj.~$it~~'~:~~",l
It wasIJ1()ved by;MJi'. Sm:r. th 'hat A>>t~~).'~~,i~i'P~> ,<
refereDoe to lhellSs1stant to the /sttperintend"~"l;:':f:pqP;J.1C1
Wo~ks. be si;!rioken t~m the o..d:l.mUl.... The .tiJ>:rIi,'l'alJ
second,d by MJo. Jaoobsand on "11 oaU thevo11e .a~ ..
follows: Mr. C;vego no. MiJr., D1gegs 18s, Ibr. ll'oot~,n~. MiJr.
Jao.be yes and MiJr. Sm1th :yes. Tlle motion w'As delll!lred
cazrie d . '
.' H
Mv .Smi th moved thd J.....h.l. Eleven, :l:'uing the S/l~!l;VY'
0:1:' the OityAtto..y, be st:l'1okenb_ the ordin!l11ee. The
lIlOt,ion was ,$econd.4 bllbr. JacObs and on , roll ioaJ,l the,vot,e
"iii a!, follows: MiJr. Q.8o ne, ,M3t,~D1"!lns, ,....,.. '~O.'~''''~';d'
"8', MiJr. JlIloobs yes and llr. _tips,.
MiJr.Smith IllDved that thatpo.iltt1onof the o:td~1tI!l:uiie
:nlative to. the puohail' IU14'llIa1ntenan:oe'f aOa'" fO:Jl:..,.
PoliO.depaJrtlllltnllbe .DtojtentJrCl!l, the o1:dillan'l),. MiJrL ,iJ1S
lieoonc1ed themoUon lllld on 31011 0$.l1 th~ vGte W8.Sl8.CS,t'1i ,'", ,a:
, JIa. 03;.'8go no, MiJr. *Mll11s. >>ass.d, Jilt. 1l'Iltote no, Mv. .r...01l, "c
yes and MiJr. smith yes. The' vote.lls deo1s.~ed a titi. .
__-.~'__~ __'V_ .. '" _._ ....
~ ~. .. ...
CQUl'l.ol1 ChalUbeJ: - February 17th, 1935.
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IflfEl.S-moveClby Mr. Smith that the follOwing salaries be
amended to llead:
The Mayo~ .22~50 per month
MUn101pal.Judge $10.00 pet month
Counoilmen $2a.50 pell month
City CJ.e.l'k, Trea81U'er eto. .~5fOO ;pet month
Supt. ot Public'Works $135~OO per month
Fire Chil!tf $135.00 per month
'!'he abi1i:l:'Inan cal1ed~. .Jacobs to the Qma. ti. D1ggans
thenilooonded tht!l motiw aild W 1'O11 oall the vote Vasali'
tollows: Mr. Crego no, Mr. D1ggane yes, :&b.]!'o'~e no, ti.
Jaoobs yes and :&b. Smith yes. '!'he motion was deala_d
Mar. Crego Objected to the ORdinanoe UaIllf!l:J4ed a:04
With the 1>e:t'll11S$1onot the Seoond\ti thdrewthe m()tton,to
pass on second :lreading and adoptioJl. ' ,
Mr. Foote, Chai:!7ltl8n of the Finan <Ie Co.ttee"
.l'eported that he had checked the paid billS rit the ;R..:eEla-
tion ClUb and found they had patd out $255.0'1. '
Itiwas regularly mOVed, seconded and CQr1,'ed thlit
CounCil adjou:lrn.
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M;Jr. Smith Moved that the matt.. et pllah.....
JDa111tQoce of an autcmLoblle for the po11.e4"~, ,..", '
~1de:I!'eCl. and that the same be s t:!l1eba :r"""'lat;,
d"<< 1..0. f1XbgpS a7.'1es. Th. metion .as,', 8..,."1,.<<, '..,'.;
.JaOCllbs and on nll all the vote was as tollO'll'sJ Jl1<'
ao, M:I:. nlggans M:r. Foote alit, D. Jae.bayes aJ1.....
Smlth yes.