02-27-33 Regular 63 '" ! I I ':.,..... "ftj , ,'" k/\ '" COUNCIL CHAMBER February 27th, 1933. "T " The Council met in regular session at 7130 P. M. All members of the Council were present. The minutes of me etings held February 13th and February 17th were read and- approved. Mr. George Carr, of the Florida Inland NaV:J.sa'IliCll'l l):r.st:l:iot, came before the Councl1 and requested that am. easement or right of way be granted by the City for the purpose of widening the Florida Coast Lim Canal. The, matter was discussed at considerable length after whieh Mr. Smith moved that acti €11 on thls matter bela,ld o!_e~., until the next regular meeting. 1'he metion 'was second.i' by Mr. .Jacobs and unanilll0usly ear:ded. A communication was read frolll Mr. T. B. Bel1l1ettL Tax Agent of the Florida East Coast lailway,wlth xeterenqe to waiving the penalty on theiJ: 19~1 01 ty taxes. ,The ' Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Bennett that this coul'a" not be Qqe. Mr. Foote, ChaiJ:man of the Flnance Committee, recommended that Widows exemptions be granted Mrs. R. A. Butler and Mrs. Elizabeth ChishCllm. 01'1 mot ion dUly lllUe" seoonded ,and on roll call t:be same was unanimously oarried. ,Mr. Smith, Qha 1rman of the Street Commi ttee, reported an expenditure of $515.00 for the paving and widening of Andrews Street on the beach. On motion duly made, seconded and earried the Clerk was ins;tructed, to have the quitclaim deeds recently secured tor the widen,.. ing of Andrews Street recorded. Mr. Foote reported the cost, of oertain J:epairs to the old Chamber of COllmeroe Hall and the C,1'ty Hall and.. gaJ:age. Mr. Sml th oftered the follcnringmetionl "''lhat the sum of $21.55 be expended for oempound oovering the garage roof and the replaoing of down spouts and that the sum of $17.52 be expended for general repe:iring and paint", lng of trim work and storm shutters en the outside of the building, making a total of .39.07, exelus! ve ot any oosj,;'. for labor. The motlon was seconded by M.r. Crego and on' :roll call the vote was as follows: M.r. Crego yes, Mr. Dlggans yes, Mr. Foote yes, Mr. .Jaoobs ptSeed and M.r. -':':'~ fh ""'-..-.-' "',;, "'~".J~tl' .. ~ } C> Council Chamber - February 27th, 1933. ". Smith yes. Mr. Crego made a rep0rt of gasoline consumed by the d1 ffe'ren t Ci tydepe.rtments.' Mr;.Ja~C4libS'"tll:&if" offered the fOllowing motion: That the Clerk furnish the City Council wi th a report of all gas eonsumed the previous month at the first regular meeting each IJll:)nth. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and carried. Mr. Smi th moved, which motion 1IIlS seconded by Mr. .Jacobs, that the salary ordinance introduced on the 13th day of February, 1933, by Councilman Crego, the oaption of which is as foIl.wS:AN ORDINANOE ,BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEIBAY BEACH, FLORIDA, FIXI:NG THE SALARIES OF THE CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF DELRAY BEACH, .AIm REPEALI:NG OTHER ORDINANCES be amended to read as follows: AN f)lI'l~I'I,,"";E BY THE CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, FIxI:NG THE RAT,A~IEB OF THE CITY OFFICIALS OF DELRAY BEACH AND REPEALING OTHER < ORDINANOES. After the reading of the ordinanee M:t'.Bmitb. moved that further action on this ordinanGe be" post ~o:ned lUltll the next reguJar meeting. '!'hemoUon.as. seoonded, by Mr. .JacoJ!ls and on roll call the vvte was as fGllows;'" Mr. Orego no, Mr. ~ggansno, Mr. Foote no~Mr. .Jacobs yes, and Mr. Smith yes. Mr. Foote offered the fOllowing 'IIlOtion: That .all amendments to the salary ordinance be e%]lungedand that the ordinance as originally dran be passed. 'l'his motioll was seconded by Mr. Crego but afterwards Withdrawn. Mr. Smith then renewed his motion to adopt the ordinance as amended. '!'he mEltion was seoonded by Mr. Jacobs and on roll call the vvte was as follows: Mr. Crego no, Mr. Diggans yes, Mr. Foote no, Mr. Jacobs yes and Mr. Smith yes. '!'he motion was declared carried. '!'he tollowingbills having been audited and O. II.' d by the Finance COllll1i ttee were referred back to the Oouncil and ordered paid: 11<, ! '" , " Florida Power & Light Uomp8.ny , A. O. Greynolds Southern Bell Telephone Co. $580.92 63.68 18.65 ~ 4-:>" Va:' r . t 't Council Chamber - February 27th, 1933. 't Maule Oj1lS Rook Ccmpally Delrar Lumber' Company Atlantic Grocery $m62.13 IZ7~76 4.35 adjourn. It was msved, seconded and carried that Council fI: APPROVED: ~"- President 0 ,e Cou " . & ~ lerk. t:.T'. j\\.t :;"