03-13-33 Regular
March 13th, 1933.
The (jounell met in re~lar session at 7:30 P. M.
All members of the OClUneil were present.
The minutes €If the meeting held February 27th were
read and approved.
Mr. .orge Carr again ap:pe ared before the Oouncil
. w1.tb. reference to securing an easement for the wideniltg Gf
the Florida Coast Line Canal. The matter wasdisoussed at
cOllsiderable length and on motim duly .de, seconded and
carried laid over until Sfie 1'u ture meeting.
A committee from the beach requesting that oertain
street lights be relocated was then heard. The following
motion was offered by Mr. Orego. That the light en Sali1'!a
Street be Il8ved from its present lGcation t,o the eenter of
the block. The motion 1I8.S seoonded by Mr. JacOs and On
roll call the vote was as follews: Mr. Ol'ego yes, ~.
Diggans yes, Mr. FMte no, Mr. Jacobs yes and Mr.Smithcg'l:'
A cOllll1unieatim was real frem tneBiddle Engineer""
ing company with reference to extending the water main at
the Florida Coast Line'Oanal. The communication 1I8.S
ordered filed for 1'uture referenee.
The application of Richard Ward and Ward Willi8lll-
son for a position in the Sanitary Department was read and
ordered filed.
A oommunicatien was read from Mayor Hall vetoing
the salary ordinance passed on February 27th, fixing the
salaries of City officials. This eemmunication was ordered
filed witb. the ordinance.
A petition for the initiative of ordinances and
the ordinance aeeompaning same were read. Mr. Smith uved
that the same be receiTed and filed and that the>018rkbe .
authorized to prooeed till cheek: the names and the verifica-
tion of the signatures. The motion was seeonded by Mr.
Jacobs and unanimously earned.
A oommunioation was then read from Ohief of Pllllice
.Johnsen requesting the Ocmncll to reoonsider the matter of
Council Chamber - March 13th, ~33.
cutting the salary of the night patrolman. This communh
cat ion was also erdered filed.
Mayor Hall reported tha t complaints had been
filed wi th him requesting tha t some action be taken regard-
ing the amoke from the 13 tack a t the laundry. . Thi,s Dlllttel'
was referred to the Sanitary il1d Fire crommittee's for
investigation and report.
Mr. Dan Smith reoommended that the Oity make
application to bulkhead appl.'oximately three hundred feet of
the O'anal South of the Atlan tic Avenue bridge.
The following IIIllltion was then offered by Mr.
Smith: That a sum not to exceed $15.00 be expended in
installing a light in the paVilion at the beaoh. The mothn
was seconded by Mr. Iilrego and carried.
The matter of the title to the pavilion property
at the beach was discussed and oarried over until the next
regular meeting.
The following IIIllltion was offered by Mr. Feote;
That the Clerk be auth~ized ~~,;~strueted to have an
abstract made for the ~ 100t~.ck99. The motion \'II1S
seconded by Mr. Smith and oarried.
It was IlIllnd by Mr,. .Jaubs that the t'iounOll
adj ourn to mut Maroh 23rd at '7;30 P. M. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Smith and oarried.
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Presiden t f the
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