03-27-33 Regular ""IT'" '.-. '. ,~. tc COUNCIL CRAUl'!XR, ... w , )(arch 27'; 1933. " /} '!'he Counoil met in reguJ.ar sessiOl1 at 7,30 P.M, All m_bers of the Counoil were present. Minutes of meetings held lIareh 13th ancl )(aroh 23rd we~ read, and appro'Ved. A o,oJDmunica t10n was read from the Riddle 'Engineering Company of west Palm Beaoh with ref'e:renee to extending the water Illain s:tthe Canal. This letter was ordered filed for f'utUl'e reference.. A__unioat1QJ1 ~s read fl'QIIl Mr, T.B,.:4.nnett.Te.xA.gent 0:(" the F .:BOC.. 'Railway W:Il ~h reterenn to" 1931ta.xe:s" and" " " same was ordered filed. The following applioations for wido""ae:J~Pt1ons "I!~~,' then read: " ca:llrie Breen, Sa:1'llh JloJ:n'\ll!)sh.and Georgiana Phoenix. On mot1ondUlr made, seconded and carried, these aPllJ;'t.a- tlone were referred to the Finanoe o~ttee ,forreOo1llifleno. da t:l on. , ---Mr. Geo. car1". represent1ng the Florida EastcoastOanal again OaJll,e before tlB counoil and pl'esented a resolution authOrizina easement deeds for the purpose of' widen.in.g the oanal.. no 100 Mr. crego moved that the resolution. be adopted after eliminating the f01;J.oW'ing items: Parcel 1l,Shee~:Wo. Paroel 2 Shee'll No.llt.a;:and Parcel 15 stJeet No. leB.' 15' ; -::r:' ,'?>, tI> 'JrL~ presid.ent Dlgganll oe.tlecl llI'. Foote to the cllaband Diggtms then secoD,dftdthe motion ~ adopt the relilolut, , ' On roll oall; thevoh as as folloW's: ,JIr. <Orego ,yes{ llI'. Diggans yes; Mr. Foote no, 111'. Jacobs PasUd, lire SIDi th no. The IIIOtlol1 wasdeolarea lost. '~A;,'> 'f,",j." ""'~'" '------ The resoluUon. was fol101r1l!1.g parcelS,l Sheet 16lt. then. amended fUrthe~ by s1;r1kil1gthe Parcel 3 Sheet 16A;. ana 'Parcel 16 Council Chamber - March 27, 1933. ('i Mr. Crego then moved that the reslll1ution be adppted as amended. Motion was seconded by Mr. Diggans arid on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Diggans yes, Mr. Foote no, Mr. .Jacobs yes, Mr. 8mi th no. The motion was deolared carried. .. ... Mr. Sm1 th recommended that f1 ve Royal Palm trees on East Atlantic Avenue be removed from their present position. On motion duly made, seoonded and carried the Street Commit,tee was authorized to remove the trees. ." The Water Committee was instruoted to continue the praotice of allowing delinquents to work out water bills. Mr. Jao()bs reported that he had been in conference with .. representative of the state Board of Health :tor the purJoSE!of promoting the mosqul to eradication prejeot near the canal. On motion duly made, seoonded and carri ed the Clerk was instruc ted to seoure from th e (Jircui t Court Clerk a copy of a. deed which the City Attorney requested, to be USed in the exolusion sui t now pendi,ng. The Bani tary Commi ttee recommended no ohange inelllployees ot tha t depar1ment at this time. ' Mr. 8mi th introduced the following ordin@.Q8,/U).dmovecl, thati t be passed on its first reading: A,l\fO!ID~QII BY THEOITY ' ^ COUN6IL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, :n.ORI~, l!'IXINQ'IHE' SALA1lIES OF THE CITY OFFICIALS OF Dl!lLRAY BEACH. AND REPEALING OTHER ORDINANCES. The motion waS seoonded by Mr. .Jacobs, and on roll oall the vo~e was as follows: Mr. Crego n9; Mr. ])j:ggans yes, Mr. FQote no, Mr. Jacobs yes, Ill''' Sm.i th yes, The motion was declared carried. tl'. I . Mr.. B1Qth then in troduoed th e following resolution, fixing the salary of oertain employees, and move4 its adoption: A IlESOW'" 'fION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEAOH, FLORlDA,., DESIGNATING AND APPOIN'l'ING CERTAIN EMPWYEJIlS OF,,sAID' Clfi FOR " THE YEAR 19i5 AND FIXING THE SALARIES 'fHDl:EFQH>.um REPEALING liTHER RESOLUTIONS. """ ...._:::--,","1,;;',:;'-(''':~!"i''i'';;,;''- The motion was, seoonded by Mr. Jacobsi' and on roll oeJ:l .. .' 1Il4udlr Odflea~:_~ ~1T ?>~~ ~ . ' . .' The fOllowing resolution was then intro'toed ~ Mr. Ol'8g0 moved tha t it be passed en itsfirsll reading: AN ORDIN.4:NClLUIENDING ORDINANCE, PAGE 241,) BOOK 3, DESCRIBING AND FIXING THE LICEfJSJ!l FEES OF THE CITY .'DDRA.Y BEACH, FLORIDA. ,.'"'>t, ~- '. ~.Ti ~. :.. 79"- " i.c' . ~ , ~ Sf ,_.~C~ I I Council Chamber - March 27, 1933. . <:> ~ The motion was seconded by J4I'. .Jadobs, and on roll call, unanimously c arri ad. Mr. Foote then introauced the following ordinance; and moved that it be passed on its first reading: AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRA.Y BEACH, FLORIDA, IN RmULAR SESSION SIT'l'ING," DEDICATING, ALLOCA:TING~:AND~SJl:'1.l'.lNG4PAR'f"-'--" CERTAIN PROPERTY BELONGING TO SAID CITY FOR PUBLIC AND J.roNICIPAL PURPOSES. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crego, and on rollcall unanimously carried. ~ The fOllowing bills having be en audi ted and O.K.' d by the Finance COmBIi ttee, were referred back to the Council and on roll call ordered paid. Southern Bell Telephone Co" $16.65 Florida Power & Light GO.; 63'1.26 Brennan & Plastridge 5.00 Western Union Telegraph GO., 1.44 On motion duly made, seconded and carried", ti1e Clerk was authorized tQ transter$600.00 from the SP(lOial Improvemell;l1 FUnd in the Central Fanaers Bank to the General Fund intB:e Florida Sta te Bank. '11' :t:. '\ It was regularly moved, ~econded and carri ad tha t th e Council adjourn. ~' APlmOVED: ~ , >-.