04-10-33 Regular 83 i I ~ COUNCIL mrurmm ApMl 10, 1933. 'I" The Counoil met in regular session at 7 ;30 P..M. The folloWing members Were present: Jl:r.- Diggans, Jl:r. Foote, Mr. Jaoobs and Mr. Smith. 06 The minutes of IIfl eting held March 27th were read and approved. A c~nioation was read from Mrs. Ella. M. Young calling the attention of the Council to the dange~ ous condi tion of the s:ldewaJ.k: ather :re81 danoe on the South 'Federal Highway, f01'llllrly known as the Noble propE:jJ!'ty. The Olerk was instruoted m advise Mrs. Young tllat the ' Sidewalk had been repaired. At this point Jl:r. .Jaoobs requested the City A~torney to render an opinion regarding the resolution "N appointing City employees and fixing their sa1ariesj~:1,Qhi was passed at the last reguJ.a:r meeting. The City Attorl)_Y> ';,,,, stated, that in h:1,s opinion; the resolution abovre reteped to did not disona.ge any Oity employees. 'ly,.-r CU..(l,,{/I' I,N'IA .~ \ j ,.::;c;:;;~. ~ . ' A o01lllllunioation was read from Jl:r. F.W. MllStaine regarding the painting of the City water tank. On motion duly made; seconded and carried the same was prdered filed for fUture referenoe. ::',j , , . * The following applioations for Widow's exem;ptions wb1ch - had been referred to the Finanoe Oommittee were on motion duly made, seconded and carriedJ;. allowed: Oarrie Green, Georgiana Phoenix and Sarah lloIntosb.. The widow's exemption of Irene Burrows was read, 'and referred to the Finanoe Committee for recommendation. A oommunioation was read from Fire Qhief ,COOk requesting authority to purchase three 5-sallon Indian F1,:re' pumps at $10.00 each and 2 smoke and gas oanisters at $2.50 eaoh;' :making a total of $35.00. Mr. Smith moved that the al)ove eqUipment be purchased. Motion was seoonded hy Mr. Foote and on roll call unanimously carried. ~ , "I ~ Ii , ~ R . '- 1", 85 , <;- The City Clerk reporte d tha t 481 gallons of gasoline had been consUllled by the different City departments during the month of March. Mr. .Jacobs reported that the R.F.C. mosquito erad1cat ion ,program had gotten into shape and the work had;---' already started. '" The following salary ordinance then came up for ite second and final reading and adoption: AN ORDINANCE BY THE CUY COUlroIL OF THE CUY OF DE!BAY BEACH, FIDRIDA, FIXIm- THE SAURIES OF THE CITY OFFICIAlS OF DEIRAY BEACH, AND REPEALING OTHER ORDINANCES. "" Mr. Foote moved tha t the clause fixing the salary of the Mayor be amended to read "The mayor of said City shall draw a salary of twenty' ($20.00) Dollars per month for his services as Mayori and the Municipal .Judge shall draw a salary of Ten ($lO.OOJ Dollars per month for his services as Munic ipal .Judge, provided always tha t so long as the same offices are held by the Mayor the salary of Municipal .Judge shall be One ($1.00 ) Eollar per year; both offices of Mayor and MunicipaL .JUdge may be held by the same person." The motion was seconded by Mr. .Jacobs, and on roil call unanimously carrie d., Mr. Smith moved tb,at the ordinance be passed on ",. its second :reading and adClpted. The motion was seconded bY'" Mr. .Jacobs, and roll call une.nimously carried. The following ordinance then came up for its eecond,i and final reading and adoption: .Alf Om>I1fANCE BY '!'HE CITY COUNCIL OJ!) THE eI'l'Y OF IlEL1Ul'f BEACI!f, FLORIDA, m RmUUR SESSION SITTING, DEDICATIJro., ALLOCATING AND SETTIm APA.RT CERTAm ffiOPERTY BELONGING '1'0 SAID CITY FOR PUBLIC AND MUNICIPA.L PURPOSES. ...' .~ Mr. Foote moved 12lat the ordinance be passed on its final reading. The motion was seconded by Mr, .Jacobs and on roll oall unanimously carried. The orctlnance "AMENDmG AND FIXING THE'LIOJ!lNSEFEEiS OF TEE CITY OF DELRAY BEA.OH" came up tor its second reaUhg'i""""''''''"''f.. An amendment was offered by the Business Men's ASSOCiation, and it was moved, seconded and carried that this ordi~ance be referred to the ordinance committee for redrafting. It was moved by Mr. Smith that the Finance Committee ,and the Tax Oolleotor be authorized to purChase interest coupons due the Palm Beach Company. which 1'all due, on .January 1st, 1934. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jacobs and on rCll.l I ;;r . I} . call unanimously carried. The folloWing billa luning been audited and O.K'D by the Finance Committee, they were referred back to the Council, and on roll call, ordered paid. ~- A'd8l.liS Hardware Co. Baum's Castorine Co. Brennan I1c Plastridga Delray Beach Fil'e Dept Delray Beach Motors Deh-ay Beach Newe Delray Heating & Plumbing Diggans Farquhar Machinery Cq., Fisher, Ino. Gao. W. Fowler Halsey & Griffith jurney's Replir Shop Maule Ojus Rock Co., .J. Myers & Son McDonald Eleotrio Company PalmS Service Stn. TheSel"Vice Garage StanGard Oil Company Western UnioD .". J 1.45 4.50 100.00 50.50 1.35 2.50 2.70 1.76 16.88 2.30 3.65 23.40 3.15 62.13 1~00 6.85 33.90 7.55 90.81 .90 A."protest and a reque st Was :r:ead from The Del3:aY Heating I1c Plumbing Company wi th rete1'$noe to ento1:cing the occupational lioense on plumbing and electrioal work. It was moved, seconded and oarried that this matter be referred to the Mayor and Poli;': ~~~,:~ It was moved, 8"(;.'-dro_e~:1Ii$h~~Chairma.n Of the Sanitary COmmittee be appointed a member of the City Plumbing Commission. It was moved seconded and carriecl that the Council adjourn. '* APPROVED: ~ Pre dent of e" ouncil. ~. ,,' ' y ,'erg. ' ' 87;