04-24-33 Regular 89 .;- OOUNOIL OHAMmm ApriJ. Z4~" 1933~ "'. OounoiJ. met in regular session All members of the CounoiJ. were present. the meeting held April J.Oth were read and at '7:30 P.M. The minutes of approved. , " A communication was read from Mr. T"B. Bennett, Tax Agent of the F.E.O. Railroad wi th reference te securing an amended tax statement, and on motion duly' made, seconded and carried, the Clerk was instruoted to furnish this statement as per the figures given by the Comp'roller, and advise Mr. Bennett that this tax would be aooepted plus interes'!; at eight percent per .annum. A oommunication was then re~ct from The Seaboard Airline Rail1lliY, in which they desired 'to pay their 1930 and 1931 taxes adding onlyZ% penatty'. The Clerk was authorized and instructed to 1l!;1:y-ille them that this tax could only be aocepted plus illterest at e 19ht peroent per annum. A communication was read from R.,G. Bostwiok, representing the American Fire and CasualtY"Company in reference to insuring the automobile truoks, Same was referred to the Finance Comm:l.ttee. ~ .. The Finanoe Committee recommended that Burroughs be granted widow's exemption on taxes. regularly moved, seconded and UDa~ously carried the recommendation be concurred in. Irene It was that Mr. Crego, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee requeated that he be granted further f:1me tor the consi- deration of the amendm:lnt to the oc cu.pational license ordinance. His request wlls granted. Mr. C. Y. Byrd then oame before the Counc11 with referenoe to certain delinquencies for water rent. It was moved by Mr. Smitil, seconded by Mr. .Jaoobs and carried that this matter be referred to the Water OOmmittee with power to act. The Water Committee reported t.hat the old water tank had been cleaned, sorubbed 811 d refilled. On motion duly ,'.., ~ made, seconded and carried the Water Committee w~s authorized to clean the new tank. ... Mr. Smith reported that a committee from Belle Glade had been to see him with reference to purchasing the old water tank. On motion duly made, Beconded and carried, the Chairman was instruc ted to write these partie1lll and advise that the City was not intereste<rindtspostng<"o:r-"""'" this tank at the present tilOO. Mr. .Jacobs reported that the R.F.C. workers were in need of shovels and axes, and it was moved by Mr. Smith that these tools be purchased when needed. The motion ~s seconded by Mr. Foote and on roll call unanimously carried. The matter of insurance renewals on City property was referred to the Finance Committee for a report. The question of reduc ing the number of street lights was taken up and discussed at considerable length and referred to the Light Committee for recommendation. , The following resolution was then introduced: A RESOLUTION SmWING THE IN'l'ENTIGN OF i'HEOITY COUNCIL ,'m ACQUIRE TITLE TO PROPERTY IN OLD 'mWN OF DELRAY BEACH, FOR DELINQUEIfT TAX. Mr. Smith moved that same be adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crego and on :roll call unan~ i1llOusly carried. €In motion duly made, secondO.d and carDed the bill of .Jack Gibson w~s referred to the Water and Parks Committee. ~ MayoJr IJa1l then announced the followirig appoint- men ts in the :91lJ.ice Department: .Jesse C. Johnson; Chi e1" of' POlice, and R.V. Priest as Patrolnan. Mr. Crego moved that the appointments be approved. The IJX)tion was seconded by Mr. Foote and on roll call unanimously carried. . The Mayor then announced the following special call policemen to selr'Ve without compensation: C.A.. Baker, R.A. Plastridge, Roy Cason, E.C. Hall and W.N. Kent.: Mr. ~ego moved that these appointments be approved. NOtion was seconded by Mr. Smith and on roll call unani1llOusly carried. ,--' Mr. Foote moved that the bill"s; which had bean audited and O.K. 'd by the Finanoe Committee be referred 1;'" 91 n l ,J 1 ~t ~ ~ \ i S f . fi tl back to the Council and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crego, and on roll call unanimously carri ed. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Council adjourn to meet Monday May 1st, 1933 at 7:30 P.M. f "9: APPROVED: ~-~ Presi dent the Cou ., -' ,. , u;s . """.'_~""" _,--c~,..",""!",_...,...