05-01-33 Adjourned Regular
(JOuliu~L (JHAlmIlR
MaT lst.1935~'
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(JoWleil met in adjourned :x:egular session at
7;30 P.M. All members 01f the (Jouncil. we:x:e present.
year 1930.
matter was
A communieflltion was read :from M:x:. .J .L.
requesting a reduc tion on his taxes for tbl!l
On motion dUly made. seconded and oarried tllis
laid ovel! until next r6gulU- :meetinfh '
A communication was read :from attorneys Houser
and Wood With reference 11:> the mandamus suit now pending
in the Circuit Court. They advised that it was not the
intention of their client to in any way, attack the Oity
funds now on deposit representing theWate:l! Plant Fund.
or fuMs in the General Opezating AccoWlt. '!'he COIIJlllWli(U~,~,
tion was ordered filed.:',.
The application of Mabel. Natlllsn for WicioW'$!'
tax exemption was read and 1'eferred to the FinanceCol'l1ll1ittee.
The 'bill of .Jack Gibson for $a.50 was a1.loYled
and ordered paid.
The O:x:di:n,anoe COlllllit'/l&e repl'ried that they had;
not arrived at any definite oonolusion regarding the amend-
ment to the o4'ceapationa1 license ordinance. The committee
was granted further time for consi deration.
The matter of drafting an ordinance regulating
j;he sale of beer was di scussed at considerable len~th, and
the Ordinance Committee was instructed to prepa:be an
ordinanoe end present same at the next regular meeting.
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charged for the
disoussion, the
Crego brought up the question of water :rates
different sized me ters. After considerable" ;' ,',
matter was referred to the Wate:t!e'Ollttl1l'tte'.~"''''~)'~
The Finance Committee recommended tha t the
automobile insuraIloe be placed wi th The Metropolitan
Casualty Company.
On motion duly I1Bde, seoonded and unanimously
carried the reoommendation was concurred in.
It was moved, 'seconded and: oarr1e'd:that.~t1re".
Gounoil adjourn.
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