05-08-33 Regular I r ~ COUNCIL CHAMBER 1."""" May 8th, 1933. <,; The Council met in regular .ession'at 7:30 P.M. All members of the Counc il were present~ '!'he minutes of meetings held April 24th and May 1st were read and approved. '!'he matter of drafting an occupational license ordinance taxing the retailers of 3.2 peroent beer was taken up and disoussed, and on motion duly made, seoonded and carried, laid over until next meeting. Upon suggestion of Mr. Foote it was deoidedto invite Mr. L.S. Wilson; manager of the golf coiU'se to come before the Council at its next regular meeting. Mr. Foote moved that the Chief of PoJ.;oe be,. " required to furnish surety bond in the SUlll of .1,.000.68;." Motion was seconded by Mr. Crego, and unantiol1sly carried. The fol1owing motion was offered by lib,. Smith: '!'hat in oases where water biihls are worked O\1-t, that no. discount shall be allowed. Motion was seconded by Mr;. Crego and unanimously oarried. . The mat ter of amending the ordina.nOe for the charges for wate:Jf consmnption on large sized :meters was discussed and referred to the Ordinanoe Committee. I .. Mr. Smith then intJ:Oduced a Zoning Ordinance, the caption of Which wl!,s read, and the Clerk was inst:Jruoted to publish a notice giving property ownezsan opportun~~y to' appear before the Oounoil on Monday, May 15th; f'oJ::~tlt6"P purpose of discussing the mat ter.,~~t~*( , 90 . v 101 ~ It was moved by Mr. Smith that no building permits be issued f'or the construction of new buildings without same having been referred to the Council for approval. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crego and on roll call unanimously carried. Jr The matter of putting on a, clean-u:p campaign for the City was discussed at conside>rable length 'a'ri(1---- laid over. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the Clerk was authorized and instructed to pay the bill of Geo. O. Butler of $11.40 for the cancellation of 114 tax sale certificates. ../;, It was regularly moved, s800ndedand carried tha t current bills he refexred to the Finance Committee., The following bills having been 1!udited UdO.K.'d by-the Finance Committee, were referred back to the Council and on motion duly made, and on roll call unanimously carried orde:red paid. "1 ~ / I, D.B. Smith & Company HowardSchwe:rtz Firestone Service stores Gee. O. 13utle: Orange State Oil Co. Southe:n Bell Telephone Standard Oil Co. Brennan & Plastridge L...J. Nichols D$lray Beaoh Fire Dept. D$lray Beach News $31.30 9.U 28.00 U~40 99.72 20.20 12.46 310.59 281.40 49.00 35.150 ill: ~ .~ j. ; 11 . i i , On motion regul...ly _de. seoonded and cu,J:ied;i it was :moved that the Council adjourn to I1Set..Monday May 15th, 1933 at 7:30P.M. , j t , ; . ~~ Ci ty Clerk. ~ ;t;~~ Preside of the ' noil . ~ .'" j '<. , t ! j t ~ ~ , ~ \J . :;,' )~ .~ " :, ~ .~, .i',' ; ~, APPROVED: