05-15-33 Adjourned Regular ,~ COUNCIL CHAMBER ~ May 15th;' 1933';' "'" The Council met in adjourned regul~ sessio~ at 7:30 P.M. All members of the Council were present. A communication was read from Mr. A.F.. Baggett in Which he proposed to paint the exterior WooitwoJ:k Of the City Hall for the sum 01' $12.00 Tlie communication was ordered filed for fUture reference. The Finance COIlDllittee :cecOIlDllended tha t the application for Mabel Nathan for W1dow's, exemption be allOWed. 'It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that this J:ecommendation be eoncul:red in. IG1l The application 01' Mr. L.C. Hand for a bUlldil!e;,j:l\\ii~f' peJmlit was, on motion duly DIlde, seconded and curledg:Jl~~~tli.jt!~;, .iI? Mr. Smith moved that a wate1! spigot be installed' at the colored baseball pa1!k. Motion was seconded by ti.' Crego and unanimously carried. ! Mr. Smith moved that the at the Beach until .June 1st, 1933. Mr. Orego and unanimously oarlried. M1!. Smith moved that the motorcycle police. be continued until .June 1st, 19~. Motion was seconded hy lb. Crego and unanimously carried. lifeguard be continuect,< Motion was seconded, bY'~< ' A communication was read from the Special Mastel: in the e~c1usion suit ~iled by S. Fahs Smith. Mr. Crego moved that the C:tty Attorney be authorized and instructed to file an answen to this report. Motion was secondedb~, Mr. Foote and unanimously carried. . ., , , A cOIlDllunication was received and read from The Florida Power and Light Company in whioh they agreed to . discontinue light service from May lst4;to Dec. 1st, 1933~ Mr. Crego then intnoduced the fo110wing 1!esolution and moved ite adoption; -;'-)~;i,~;i~':k::-_ ", ,:';/Ie- L,,;_.--:'-;;:r!'\'!~::-~::, ,,\\-',~; ::'~:;,; "~'_".'i, ,,,.",',,,, ,Yi~ ~:<~f":~ ';-~-> "''''''"'.''''.' 105 e. ,~ :RESOLUTION NO: 88 APPROVING A PROPOSED LETTER AGBE1!MENT WITH FLORIDA POWER &. LIGHT COMPANY PROVIDING FOR THE DISCON- TINUANCE 01' ALL THE STREET LIGHTS NOW BEING OPERATED UNDER THE STBEET LIGHTING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND FLORIDA POWER & LIGH'!' COMPANY, DATED THE 3RD DAY OF AUGUST 1929; FOR THE PERIOD FROM MAY l;~ 1933 to DECEMBER 1;' 1933; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE CLERK OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE AND ENTER INTO THE SAID LE'rTER AGREEMENT WITH FLORIEA POWER & LIGHT OOMPANY/ -<, 'J;t It was regularly mov d, seconded and carried that the Council adjourn. , (.i., APPROVED; . ~. President the~ ~