05-22-33 Regular
COONen (JlI'A~
May 22114, 1933.
The Council met in :r::egulu session' at 7: 30
P.M. All members of the Council were present.
The minutes of the meetings held May 8th and
May 15th were read and approved.
1layor Hall presented a lIentative ordinance which
he had p:r:epared regulating the occupational lioense for the
sale of 3.2 beer. It was moved by Mr. Smith, seoonded by
Mr. Foote and unanimously carxied that the ordinance be
refeJ."Jr'ed to the Ordinance COllllllittee.
The following'moyion was offered by Mr. Crego:
That the proposition of Mr. J.L. Soulthorpe ~garding the
adjustment of his 1930 taxes 0:11 certain p:ropeiL"'iyexoluded
fJlOm the City 11mi ts by an act of the, ~931 ~gislatu=e;i
be accepted, v1z: that he be allowed t6 settle same fOll
$150.,00. The motion was seconded by Mr. .Jacobs, and on .
roll call unanimously carried.
Mr. Diggans then presented a sohedule for the
~ing on of st:lleet lights. Nlayo:rdJall addressed ibe ,.., i
Co'UnCil regarding the sheet lighting si1lUation;\and :r::eOOIllIll"-
ended the. t the Tax Oollector be instruoted to fo:r:cecolleC)...
t10ns on pe:r:1Wnal property ta;. The mat te:r:: was discussed by
Ab:r:aham George, W.J. .Johnston, E.C. Ball and others.
1Il:lt. Jaoobs was then
Diggans moved that the Florida
instructed to re-establish the
was lost for want of a second.
called to the che.i:r:.1 and Mr,,'
Powe1r & Light Oompany be
street lights. Th1s motion
Mr. C:r::ego then offered the following m()tiQl1; Tha..
the Tax Oolleotor be inst:rmcted to proceed 1I0coUee....':p.ell!sonal'
property taxes by levy and sale if' necessa:uy, twe21ty-onEl mills
ofsnl!lh tax collected to be applied to the expense of st:ll8et
1ights;~ or so much of that millage as was nec\Ulsa3l1. The
motion was seconded by 1Il:lt. D:J.ggans and on roll call the vote '
was as follows: Mr. Crego yesj Mr. Diggans yea;' Jb. Foote no;'
Mr. lracobs yes, 1Il:lt. Smith yes. The motion was deela:r::ed c,arri8d.
The following motion was then offered by JofJ:.l
Diggans; That the City Attorney be inst:ll'Uoted to d:ltaWa (
bill. and ha ve same introduced in the Legislature now in ~
session at Tallahassee separ~ting the debt service and tha : I
operating ex:r;ense of the City. The motion was seconded by ~
Mr. Crego, and on roll call unanimou.sly carr1ed~& ~
It was moved by Mlr. Digganstha t the City Attollney [ I
be authorized and instructed to draw lll. bill authori21ing the '.
City to accept the debt service portion of ilaxes in bonds.'
Motion was seconded by Mr. Foo~e, and on :rollct;lltbe vote ,
was "as follows: ~. Crego, yes,; Mlr. Diggans Yes,' lb. .Jaco,bS i,'
yes,' Mr. Foote yes;' Mr.. Smith no. '!he motion was declared
It was moved by Mr. Diggans that the 6ity
Attorney be authorized to draw a bnl~:i1d int:roduce 'same in
the Legislatu]!e fixing election of members of the City'
Council in groups. The motion waS seoonded by~. ClIege;'
and on roll call unanimously carried.
Mr. Diggans then moved that the Committee be
authorized to lo'einstate street lights, the cos t of which,
not to exceed $125.00 per month. The motion was seconded
by Mr.. Crego, and on :roll call unanimously oaltried:~"
It was regularly moved seconded and carr:\ed
that the Council adjourn to meet Wednesday, May 24th;1
1933 at 2:00 P.M.
.. it, ".., .
Preside, of the 011:
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