05-24-33 Adjourned Regular lIT ~ COilllCIL CHAMBER ~ May 24th, 1933. -:~~ The Council met in adjourned reguJa. r session at 2:00 P.M. All members of the 60unci.l were present~ The City Attorney was pl'esent al!ld read the amendments to the City Charter which he had been instruc- ted to p!'epare. It was moved by Mr. Foote tha t the Attorney prepare a resolution to be signed by the member's of the City Council shoWing their action in the matter;' in asking these charter amendnlents. The motion was seconded by Ml1. Smith and unanimously carried. Ml1.. Smith moved that Councilnan Diggans be ,,' " ,',.'..., delegated to carry the charter amendment bills to, TiUlahj;lssee,#..~ and tha t he be advanced the SIIlm of, 175..00 to qQye~"1;l'.f,,,,~,\t'I~.~,d of the tl'ip. The lllOtion was seconded by M:It. .ra.OOb$'.llj,,~~'!'~*~}t~ roil call. unanimously carried. ,,'/,;,;,:;:1: ~ " . ,,' ~' n ~ The remeinder of the Zoning OJfdiIlance was then read in full and it was moved by Mr. Smith that the same be passed on its first reading. The motion \'Ilil.s liIe()onded,by Mr. .Jacobs, and on roll call unanimously cur!ecr: ~; . 'J .I j .;, i i.J ; "f! ~l ~' The following applica.t ions for buiJ,.d:;L:ngpemnits. were read, after which Ml1. Crego offered the fol.lowing motion: That the appli catiom presented be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith; and on roll ce.llunsn- imouslyo carried~ Pelmi ts were aceo]fd1ngly Slfanted to J.W. Mercer and .J.I. Thieme. It was regularly mOV'ed. seconded and car:lt1,ed tha t current bills be referred to the FinanceCOllllll.1ttee, to be approved. The follOWing bills haVing been auditf!<l~!i,d " O.K. 'd 9Y the Finance C01lllJli ttee. We1'8 ~fer:ll8d"baQk\Vlilo'ilt'he'''' "."", CounCil. and on roll call.' ordered paid': '-"" . Adams Hardware Co. 6.55 BurroUghs Adding Mach Co. D$lray Beacl1 Motors Iielray Elect1l1o Company D$l~ Lumbell Company ~qt1bar Maehinell'Y Coi 14.45 1.85 3.85 21;'15 .:',(./.:)'..;<.... 11'95" .. , ~' . IT~r 0' '" FlOrida Power & Light Southern Bell Telephone Fisher, Incorporated Halsey & Griffith .Ju~ey's Repair Shop Ocean City Lumber Co., 227.46 l7~50 .80 23:85 3;50 1;60 Chief of Poli ce J'ohnsoll then calm before the Council and requested the City to pay the main- tenance of police cars. The mattel1 was taken under considera tion. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Council adjourn to meet Monday, May 29th;' at 7:30 P..M. ~",..,.",,~,- " ,'> , '" ." APPROVED; ~ ~