05-29-33 Adjourned Regular 115 ~ COUNCIL mllM'Rlll1l ., May 29th, 1933. "b-.. I The Council net in adjou:tmed regulaJr seesi~n at 7:30 P.M. All nembers of the Council weJ'e 'p:JrElsent.. A communication was read f=on the Flo:rida Powell: and Ligh~ Company agreeing to cancel the st.e~ lighting contract now in existence between themselves and the City, after which the following resolution was passed and adopted; BESOmTIOJr BO. 89, BEPEA.I.ING AND Jill!SClm>:qm THE RESOLUTION PASSED AND ADOPTED Ffl THE OITY OO"QllSILOB MAY 15. 1933, ImIATING TO THE TEMPORARY DISOONTINUANOE OF ALL STREE'l' LIGHTS. 'tl.. ).,~\ /J ..0;- .~ The matter of securing insuranoe fOl: mElJD,b'e:I$ of the Police Depar'tlDant was taken up and ref'erlled to the Finance Committee. Mr. jacobs was then called to the cha1:J.: and Mr. Diggans moved that the Pdllice officers be aJllowedan am:lUn't, not to exceed $75100 each for the maintenan.oe ,of' their automobiles to january 1st, 1934. This lllO,'!;iom. was lost for want of a seoond. It was moved by Mr. Crego that the natteJ! of' painting certain parts o~he water tank be refe:r:redto the Water Committee with power to act. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and unanimously cau:le d. It was moved~; seconded and car~ed that ,the me. tter of adjusting the wate:r supply condi '!;ion at the Oommuni ty Ohurch be l'eferred to the Wate>> Oommi1ille.,.,,1ii,t:ii.., power to act; .. MayoJ:: Hall reported that he had arranged to dispense With the aervi ce of a motorcycle policeman on. .June llst, 1933. Mr. jacobs reported that the lllOSqU1tO cont~l project was progreSSing satisfactorily. IT7 & ~ Mr. Smith moved that the City Attorney be instructed to proceed and fix a date for the hearing of ,the mandamus suit now pe nding in the, Circui t" COUli'.t.",.,..n Motion was seconded by Mr. Jacobs and unanimously carried. :';1> It was regularly moved, seconded and o~ried that the Council adJjourn, to meet Monday, .June 5th~' 1983 at "30 P.".'~"", , . ..,.,..,.,'. ~".~~~ :ty eu~ , APPROVED: ~ . '_~"'", ~-&d Pres 1den f ,the C~l~ ~i, ..