06-05-33 Adjourned Regular l:1~ l> COUNCIL GHAMBlm .. .June 5th, 1935, .b- The Oouncil. net in adjowmed nguJlil.:J: session at 7;30 P.M. All membem of the Oouncil were p:lfesenv. The application of' E.M. Lanz for the position of moto:Jtcycle oft'icell' was read and 0 rdered filed fcj II future reference. .. t. The matter of drafting an ordinance governing the sale of 3.2 beer was discussed and laid 6ve~; An ordinance emending Section 116 and 148 of' the Occupational License Ordinance was nad, and Section 116 was SJj1ended to read "i'hat a pemit be iSSUEl,d without charge';" Section 116 was emended to read benty-Five Dollars ($25.00) .4"'''' , It was moved by Mr. Sm1'lih that the 'ordinance be passed on its first lleading. Motion was seoonded by Mr. Foote and on roll call, unanimously call'l:ied. The matt ell' of installing a divi~ platforlIl at, the ocean beach was discussed and laid oveJt.i' Mr. Smith repox:ted that the painting of certain pOll'tions of the water tank wqs progressing in a satisfac- to:J:Y manner. The applications of .John 1. Thieme and .J W. ~( Mercer for building permits were g;t:anted. . J~ The Zoning Ordinance was then taken up and ~"~ discussed at length. l.t was moved, seconded apd ,ce.J:ll'1act,;",....; '"';~irA), that the cOllllllittee dll'e.f'ting the Zoning Ordinance be . , authcrized to have the proposed ordinanca printed;' adding ll>.":' l~l c. ~ such amendments as, in their jUdgment, seem prope~. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Council itdtlour.n. ." ."._,"'..., ~~ i Clerk. ' .", APPROVED: t 41 ~,-