06-12-33 Regular 1-2;3 " COUNCIL CHA ~ '" ;rune 12th, 1933. "' 1 I , " I i ..' The Mayor then called the attention of the Counc il to the over-paymen t of salarie s during the llDnths of FebJ1Uary, Mai'ch and April. The matter was disoussed but no action taken. I , I i .~ r~ , The b ill of the Ci ty Attorney, J.R. Ad8lllS fo~ $500.00 for defending the S. FahsSmith exclusion suit w~s refer~d to the Finanoe Committee. :\ " 'I i,~ 'f '," .\' ii The question of furnishing tires for the pol:l,ge '10H"~ oalfS was diSCUSS,ed by membel's of the Countll and OMe:f:JOhnson."\flli,,,. Mr. .Jaoobs stated the t he would purcllIase ti:Jres 1'0],' pol1oe oars ",...jj with salary ovellr-payment whioh had been made to him. . .H'~ '~-"7'" On motion duly made, seconded and oarried, the Counoil .djou,"",d to "",t ,_ "'" .t~'"O .... -~ APPRO!1P:/)_ . ..e/t . 8\llk; ~~-f~~ .Jf;1-"'1t,"'~ :;. ";;, L