06-19-33 Adjourned Regular 1-25 '" COUNCIL CEAMBER .. .June 19th; 1933. ~}H,,;'L' .;.. The Council met in adjourned regul~ Session aj 7;30 P.M. All members of the Council were present; A oommunication was :received and :read from ~s. Cronk requesting the 1'emoval of certain, trees west of the Kentuoky House. This IDa tter was referred to the St:reet Committee. I' I Mr. Smith moved that the matter of installing a water spigot at the Beach be referlled to the Parks COIlll'llittee with power to act. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote; and unanimously carJ.\'ied. " ~, ' Mr. Diggans, Chairman of the PaJ.\'ks CommiUee J.\'epol!ted that Mr. Wilson; !lianage~ of the Golf Course;had,* proposed that he would paint the Golt club house i1' the City wmld turn1sh the paint. Mr. Sm:J.1;h moved that $15~OG be apPll'op:riated for the pur,cbase or this paint. The l:lJ!lt10!:l was seconded by Mr. .Jacobs, and on roll call unanimously carri ed. The opinion of the City Attorney on the abst~act furnished by The Atlantic Title & Guarantee Com:pany o!:lcBlook 99 was read, and the City Attorney was inst:J1,Uoted to Pllooeed to cure any defeot therein. The gity Attorney then J.\'ead a draft of a letts:(, he had p:repared to the Bond Holders Proteotive Association." with reference to holding a joint meeting with these people1 The matter wqs disoussed at length and the Attorney inst]1,Uoted to forward his letter to the Attorney for the Bond Holde. Protective Association. '_..,....,.....~ Mr. Day and Mr. Horton then addressed the CounOil' with lIeference to the adjustment of delinquent taxelil; andall the same time discussed the bond situation at considerable length. No action was taken in the mattel1. The ordinance AMENDING SECTIONS (116) and (:1;48) OF THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ORDINANCE was then. taken up.: ~ Foote moved that the 0 rdinano e be amended to;qelldt5O.':OO pelt year. The IIDtion was sec~dEid by Mr. Diggau."d o~ :!feu." , .. -';:'.h,~~ ','(1Il0_~i;!~; '. '~,;-#4)ij. -;,< ?c- Ii" .. <> . .t , , 127c call, the vote was as foillows: Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Diggans yes, Mr. Foote yes; lb. .Jacobs ~ Mr. Smith no. It was then moved by Mr. Foote that the ordinance be passed on its se'ond and final reading, and adopted. The motion was seeonded by Mr. Crego, and on ]1011 call unanimously"oap;v'ied...,_". .~ Theapplieations of Roy Croft and Mt. Olive, Baptif!t';Church for building pe=i ts were :L'ead and granted. M;Il., .Jaeobs stated that he deSired &0 wi1;hd~aw his A(.> offez: to purohase t1:l:,es for the ~police Call'e as he fel,t i~t(l '(j':",'."~,'.,,'.",'.~,,.,',,' would be unfab to the taxpayers to whom the OVelt-PllY7Jlent "./!', of salallies belonged, and that he would return the oveJ1- '''', payment to the City to be applied to the Genenl Fundi ';i , . ,t:~~r- The following Dills having been audited; and O.K.'d...., by the Finance Committee, were on motion duly made, seoonded and on roll cal1earpied,' Olldered paid. .Tohn H. Adams A tlan tic Title Company Bul1:r(Qughs Adding l'laohine De1uy DJrog Co.. De bay Lumber Fire Dept. Fla. :Power & Light The Kenne dy Val"e Co. L..J. Niohols 00ean City Lumber Co. :PaY'll'olls May 15th & 31st Postal Telegraph Sell'Vice G~age Standard Oil The Paint Store Western Union $500:bO 95;00 2.35 .85 31~83 18;00 799;56 7.51 60.97 2.40 1,377.67 .25 12.80 61.74 7.45 3.29 adjjouml. . It was moved, oar;qied that the CounCil APPROVED: L~~ h$siden f the ",. en"