06-26-33 Regular
June 26th, 1933.
The Council net in regular session at 7:30 P.M..
Mr. Crego, Mr. Foote, Mr. .Jacobs and Mr. Smith were present:
On motion duly made, seconded and carll'ied;' Mr.
Smith was ele~~ed Pres~dent pro tem to preside in the
absence of Mr. Diggans~
Applications for blinding p81J'lJli ts were reoeived
from Mr. C.Y. By:lld, Mr. Mike L. Blank and the NaecoReal ty
Company. It was moved by Mr. Crego, that these perm1l1s be
granted. Motion was seconded by Mr. Smith, and on roll call
unanimously carried;
Mr. SmHh reported tha t the Street CommUtee
reoommended the i:'emoval of the trees at the Kentueky House
property: It was regularly moved, seconded and carri8d
that this :recommendation be conourred in.
A oOllllllUnication wfls read f:rrom MayOl' IiIa.1lwi1lh
:rrefe:rence to the method of holding the sa1e of p:rOpe:JrV
for d:elinquent taxes. The same was ordered filed'
Mr. Foote moved that Mr. Diggans be app()1n~d
Municipal .Judge to all" in the absence of MayOil' Hall. The
motion wasseoonded by lb. Smith;' and on :rroll call
unanimously carried.
MJoo. Crego offered the following motion: 'l'lu!:t,
the traffio light at Atlantio Avenue and Federal Highway
be discontinued. The lllOtion was lost for want of a seoo1'ld'
Mr. .Jacobs moved that the se1'vices or the 14+,e
Guard at Beach be disoontinued. This motion was also loa"
for want of a seoond~
It was Jl'egululy moved, seoonded and Oarl1i,e4:~lla~
Counoil adjouJI'n to meet Ty'ei[Jda~: uly 4th;' a" 9;30.~.t'.."