07-06-33 133 -- COUNCIL CHAMBER " July 6th;' 1933. Counoil met at 9:30 A.M. :> . Mr. Charles SenioJ.', representing the Florida Power and Light Company appeared betore the Council and submitted tigures for their assessment for the year 1933: Mr. Fred Link appeared before the Board and protested the assessment of his residence property in Delida Park. . Mr. Crego protested the lDS.nne1' of employing Miss ,.,.!, Bradshaw in the City Clerk's offioe. &. :IDoo'fle moved that>' ji;S the action of employing Miss Bradsha~ at a BalarYd~t $2:50:>t,\*)~!1 per day be approved. The motiQn was. seoonded by D. SmHh'i,,;,;,),"f and on roll oall unanimously oa.Jl':&'ied. "-"'~';vr<1l.;';,; . . 't'::t~~~i:,,:.:t A oClmmunication was read hom lll1"s. .8telrling1'fillh'; ,'l, I retel"enoe to her property assessments, and the same was;~~!i ordered filed. >4 'I; -10 A communioation was read from Miss Addie Mae Bell wi th regard to assessments on he:v propeJ.'ty and this was also ordered f'iled. i:;.....,_! i-. if :J,;:j ~. Co Mr. Smith recommended that the Finance Committee be authorized to reUre an additional Beacl.h bond. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote, and unanimously oarried. Mr. Crego then offered the tOlloW1ng motion: That the City Tax Collector be authorized and insbulllted to aooept separallely lJ1theJ.' the operating, OJ.' tblt'debt portion of' the tax payments for the yea:!.' 1932. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith and on roll call U11animouslY caJ.'ried. L. , r--- , e- 135' It was then recommended that this action be in the foJ.'!ll ot a resolution which Mr. Crego agreed to prepare for presentation." ~I' Mr. Tenbrook protested the assessments or his property in Block 77 and Mr. Helland protested the assessijd valuation of Lot 3, Block 53; '" It was regularly moved, that the Council adjourn. .l:r , \ APPROVED: ~~~... ... Y\4tt; 'vt-u ~'" -'0c-<--v .~ ch tM... ~ , . , \ -""'~'.-""~"""'-' . carl'ied