07-24-33 Regular J.4f)' tlP OOUNCIL OHAlfBEB .. July 24th; 1933. <t. The 001U1011 met b regula7 seaa10n at '1:S0 P.M. All. IlIlullbera were present. The m1nutes of the ..Unge llel~ JuJ,.y lOth, July 11th anll. July 18th were' real and aPi'roV'8d. The City Olerk reported th'lthe 84 not as yet l'6c,1ved the tax retu:m.s trom the State Oomptroller sover1ng Corporat1on taxes. . ACQ1IIIlI!',Ul1j)8.t10n was read tro._.. E.or.L!itigle, of L'_lft &. S~d8P1-0_81l1ng the pas88ge1>1 tkeO$~':' Council of the l'6so1uUQnd1V'1cl1Dg the 1I..ded $nde1>t.d:q,!~8 and geDeral expenseportlon~or ta.xe8anll&:1l01l'11:igp~j;{t.;' of e 1tluar se:pa:ra1lely. The Cp.\lllIl11D.1c,. 1:ton1fe.s otll'r,e\!!';'~i'~i,!lj\/ A C0llllll\U11cat1.on1lB'a rea.t ~m M!'.. o.'!'.Bift'> regarding the 'proposed zoning orUnanc'. Th1s was alSo orderell f1let. ' , A oo~un1oat10n waS r8ce1ve4 tro.~ Fl~r~d~ Power &. L1ghtOoJl,pan.y eett1H up a pr..al~rfJ.'~~" ",., contract tor the fUrnishing of street l~.. _.. J.aqolia and Itt. loot" objeoteil to "'he 1fOrcl1ng of the, cont1'ilet.and tbe OOIllll.'IUl1oation 'lII!la refel"J'!9d to the Qity .4ttorney and the Cleft. Gn moU.. duly made, seoonded and car:r1e~. . .,~:, building permit. wem grantell to .411en Smith and R.:N.O'Ne~M~'.r . -'. - . .- - .'.-.-. :.....':.:H:.:..'.....;. _. O.N. Joluaaon requested that a heige be re-;/~t/..< moDd fromh,1sproperty em :North, Swintell Av.&Jlue, , in 8"8.01l10,,n,,',',',"';;,',';:', "",.' 8. Th1s matter waarefened to the street 0<llll!ll1t'te.'i"';"""'~'~t;\., '~':' . ';;'1' j,.: Tbe matter of tJ.le installation otpJ,umUqat<';'I'''' the Naeeo RealtT Oompany.'s ,otne. build1ng in Blo.lt 13S, ',' was referred to the ClOllllll1t tee on Pl11lll'bing. "; it' : '''L' .it: tM.t1 l~::.t ~" ',,"71" 141 bt .,. ~e matter o:f moWing the Cj.~Y' Park was reterred to the Parks COllll1i ttee. . A bill :for $2'1.05 tOr pain t uwed 011 the Olub House bUilding at the golf CGl11'Se was, en motion dulY' IlIilde, bY"lIr. Smith, seconded bY' Mr. jacobs, ordered :paid. In the lll8,;tter ot the cam:pe.ign 1'or mosquito control it was moved bY' Mr. Foote, seconded by Mr. Smith that this be re1'erred to the Sanitary Oommittee with power to ao t. The~t1ol1 was unanim8usly carried. , It qs reglllarly moveQ, seconded and oarried the. tthe matter of securing perm~sion tor the widening and' ol'el1ing 01' 1J1ea~Cl~ Street be re1'elTed to tbe Oler~ to secure permissiol1c :from the abutting property 01hle:r8~ The matter ot purchasing tools tor the R.F.C. worke,l"awas referred to the Street OOllll1ittee with power to ac t. . ~e toll~ng motion was ot1'ered bY'Mr. Sm1th: That... W.... mmki~, be desigllated and ap~1n1leda.;" " o1'1'io1&l engineer of theClty'without tees or l!lalary'iL. Tl:1e mo'Uon was seoonded by Mr. Foote, eni on rollcall., unanim8tlsly carried. ' . It was regularly moved, seooncJ.ei end carrle-, tba t the repairs to tj1e Oi ty Hall rOe1' bereterred toth8 Finanoe Committee wit~ power to act. <> , \ t I, ~. It was ng-.larly mo tha t the OOUDe 11 acJ.nollrn. , l!leeonded and carried APPROVED: ~~- sldentthe C01l~ . ,