08-14-33 Regular
COtlmlt. ClWIBl!Il
AUgI1a41 l4th, 1933.
'The GOWlCillll$t in regular 8ession at 7:30
P.M. All lllemben were PlliEl8ent.
The minutes' of the meeting held J'uJ,y 24th 1935
were read and. approved.
A ee_'l1111eatiCl1l was read trom the Busi~.8S )Ju.'s
ASSOcia tien offering to l.ook after all correapol1ienee "
adclr~8eedto the eha1llll<<tofCOllllll81"ce, enlloWmOtion:du1t .
made, seeubd, en4 oarrt ed, the Cleil'k was 'it.l8ti'~t~Il'; ll~?jr",. "
..dilia_j~.I'IH.. :-- __.: -,~~~-'" _ '~"'ItJ. -1_~~.;l.u 4.a~~--~- -- ~~--"-_'- >-~~_'IiI~~;r~~;'::~;v-Jf;:;;;'~i",;,--j-
elel1~r to the BueiBU's Men'8 As so cia til).. 8uch ChaIlibe;1"..9f"ii '
Co1lmleroe mail' a8 111 his diso:retion 001114 be 1IlO8t. sati.."'.;":,'
tactorl1y han4led by that hc1;r.",
A cOlllllllnioaUoawas read hCil. 1ll:Ie St.teBQ~e
of Health, which 8tated that the quality ot the oUy water
was very good.
A communication.1I8.s reael frCllll the E.B. El110nl
Company with reterence to a sign boarcl neu the South
leteral Highway, located Cl1l 01ty )roperty. Same was ordered
tile d.
The applleat~ of JuJ,ia B. Sims terWidn's'-
exemption was reterred to the Finanoe ColllDl1ttee.
*~' .
A c01lllll1Ulica t 10)1 was read trom earl ten E.
pd Frank Berriam apPl11~, tor the po81tiGn or life
a1l the beach. Sl!PD8 was OJ"llered tiled.
Jlr. J .C. Keen appeared before the COUllOll Wi tb.
ref'el'ence to securing a t....ral IGlln tDlIP the oonstwetiol1
ot a bath house at the beallh, and. the mattet' qs eli8risse.
at ccmsiderab1e lel16th, aner whioh it was reterred to ,the
Real Estate and F1D&l1ce Co.i ttee, to be worked, 0111; with,
the nwani8 Club and report.
A OOlJllllUDica t lon trom llayer Cameron ot
Homeste.d. iJilvi Ung the llayor and IIlembers ot the Counoil
to the ope nine; of the Federal Highway between South
Mlami ana Homestead was read, and the clerk was
i:::~tht;:e t:e;::;mo~h: g6::~!i ;~i/:: ~:=n~tilil_,___,_-:.
A CGlDIIlunicat ion was read trCllll the Florida
Power and Light Oompany which was aocOIllpabied by anew
eontract tor street lighting. It wf4S mOle<< by 1Ir. Foo.
and se00 ndedby 1Ir. Orego that the resolution be adopted'
and on roll call the mO,tlon was unanimously carried.
The applications of Booker G:ueen IUl.d .ike ,
:Blank tor bullcUng permits were upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, grante4.
1Ir" Smlthmoved that the note ot the Amerlcan
:LaFranoe and Foamite Oompany be pa1d. The lIDtion was
seconded by 1Ir. Crego. 1Ir. Smith later withdrew the
moUon with consent ot 1Ir. C:uego, and actlO1'1. was defel'J'ed
on the matter. '
1Ir. Diggant reported that it would requlre
eight loads of rock and halt as much blaek :patoh to. malal
certain repairs requested at Jbe, shuttle board court.
It was mGved, seii'k>nde4 and 0. :toll call. unanimOUSly
carrled that this be purchased.
i'- .
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The fOllOWing :resolution was then 1ntroductd, ,.,..,{,
a t the request ot the Business lien's Olub with retere:li.....':.()B.;
to repairs at the beaoh.",;~
On lIIDtion duly made, seConded and carried"
the resolution was unanimoUSly adop1;od.
1Ir. Diggans then ottered a 1'8s\Uutlon wlth
reterence to the 8alaries ot City,emplo1888 With a requeet
t:tlat no actio. be taken at this tima.
It was regularly moved,
that the OOlincil a~ol1:m ~ meet at
Auguet 18th.
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