08-18-33 Adjourned Regular 15~ ~ ~ COUNCIL C'R'AmQrR August lath, 1933; The COW1ell .,. in' adjol'lrJ184 regular sesaitn at 913& A.M.. All. msabel'Jl' otthe COl'lnc11 were prese:n1fll The following motion was 01'1'ere4 by Jb:. Sm1tlf,n . That the Clerk bEl al'lthori$ed and' 1n'~eted to. in'-.tt a'" no the in the DelraYBele~ N'en, nGlll:f41n~ propert7owners that the aonoil Wq1l.\i .,~t as aBoard 6riEq11al12latl.non III)n.day Aupat 21st, "'-'1' A11gu.st Sand and Webe_clay. August 231'd. '!'he motion was seconded by Mr.. Jaoobs anI. nanimously oarried. On moUoII dl'lly uie, seoon4e4 and earriei, th~.j Fi:reCOJlIlD1ttee was authorized to purchase a tire hyerant ' , a1l4 two valves. >., 1 It fts regularly moved, tl:Jat the Counoil adjol'll'll 1;0 meet A 9130 A.M. oarried ~ APPROVED 1 ~~'""~ President t e ou .; ,