08-25-33 Regular ~ r COUNCIL (1R'.I1IRQ 15'~r """"""'''~'''''''''''''''' M-..-"', )(r. Smith then ottered the f'ollowl,n~ llotiO)H> That the Clerk be instruot.ed to advise allY or.n1zEltlo...,or club that it was not tae prel'Oga ti ve ot the ~Pu:OOia.t..,.1te donations or contributions as no funds had been setaside tor 8110h purpose s. TIlis motion was lost f'er wan t~~,~.<.;,," seoond, and the Chairman ordered the CODllllUnioation f'f~d..' A communioa1l1on was read from)(r. A.F. Baggett regarding the put1l:ti:ag ot the Windows, ot the CSty Hall.' It was moved by)(r. Smith that other bids be oal184 tor.; , betore this contraot was awarded. The 'lllDt1o~.was '.;~ii seooncled by 1Ir. Crego and unanimouSly earr1ed. ,,' .....0 " ''''" '" '.. - .' . ,":-' :"- ,. ...j~~,.;~.';,;";,,.,..~ '!'he appl1cation 01' Agnes CleIllf'orblllld1J:)g,:p~~t<,:+; was. on motion duly_lile, secondelil and oar1'ie4. gM'flt.':f'''''~'r''l'f''' , ".""",#1;.' 1Ir. Crego moved that the City AttorJ!l~e authorized and 1nst1'l1oted to f'ile answer. to the con4el1!)lat1on prooeed1:ags instituted by tae l1nited States Govel/DlllliJnt against eertain lan4s tor the nden1ng of' the FlJIrida Bast Coast C~l. .tion was seconded by)(r. J"aoobs. llJl4 on roll call unanimously carried. .. Augut 25~. 1933. ~ i . TIle Ceumeil Det :Ln regular session 'at '1:30 P.M. All members ot the C01lDCll were present. The mUutes f1f the _et1:ag8 held. August l4th, 18th, 21st. Band and 23rd were read and attar oorreotions approved. . A OOIlll/lun:Loat1ontrem W.J. JOhnstoJ!l; Pre.S1dent ot the Business Men'S, AS,se, , O1ation e~la1n,bg",rea~"Jl~.f',.",l",", ""',,. their request 103:' a eontr1buUon Of"50.00 was rea!l,at~r wh1ehlk. Foote moved tbU the Counc1~. couUnot Cl'~~7:.;!t!l:\; t,hiS, ,",''leU" . ,The, " J)lo1l1on was se, eondedb" ,JIr,,', ',.,',' Sm~,th", ~"",:,.&',~,~,.,',':,:~, '~',:,., ro~~ can th,e vet, .as as nq10wih -..CilJlgo 110"~"'~'~~~Si no, Foote "8, Jaelilhs ]l8.sse_, )(rei Smith "8. TheJll)tioa.<, was declared lost. t, t;t. , Ii< i._ . ; '. loT ~ .W>- On IIIOtiol1 dUl,. _de; Street Oommittee 1I8.S autb.oI'ized two tires for the Oity trucks. On IIIOtiol1 dul,. _de, seconded and carried the Street Oommittee was authorized to make certain repair~ at Fifth Avenue and First Street, N.E., 1Ji order to drain accum.ulated 1I8.ter near the Delray Theatn. seoonded end carried the to purohase a be. tte17 and . The Olerk 1I8.S instructed to seoure a oert:!.ti.d cop,. 01' deed to the pavilton lot at beaoh. The tollowing motion was ottered bY!l:r. .TacoblH The. t on accOunt 01' the existing emergeno,., the SUJIl 01' , one thousand dollars be tl"lU1sterred tl'Om the water plant, " fund to the general tund to meet current bills and payrolls. The motion was secende4 b,. Mr. Crege'il and on roll call the vote 1I8.S as 1'ollows: Mr., Crego yes; Mr. D1ggans yeS, Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Jacobs yell, Mr. Smith no. It was regularl,. mO'V8d, seconded and oarried .that the Oouno11 adjourn to meet August 318 at '1:38 P.M. . lJ,' . APPROVED: ~