09-05-33 =a . '" 0, ",.: . I 1'( r COUNOIL CBAMBmt September 5th, 1~33. In keeping with the Charter 0 t lIhe C1 ty ot De1rey Beaoh, the Counoi;L met in a stated meeting September 5th, 1933 at 9:15Q '-'.11. for the purpo88 ,or adOpt'" ing a budget and fixing the milla~for the year 1935-1954. . JIr. Crego, JIr.Jaoobs and Ifr. Smith were pre- sent. Mr. Diggans and Mr. Foote were a)sent. A tentative budget bad been :t>reparecl ani was fi;:"',',::i"-'; _ad, and the City at1lerlle,. was authorized and instrU.()ied'~ to prepare a resolution for presentatioll 1:0 the COw1CU" tbat dternoon at 4:80 P.M. The Oounoil then reo 5th, 1933 at 4108 P.M. sed to mee'll September APPBlVED: ~~ "I6'ff 'i :& ,~ '4 ~ ,j -~: ~ U{- 'l~ ';v ~ 0': i"' ;;;;; il :Sl ~ ~ 1 t I ~ ~\~ I IJ'.-.,i, ~~ ~~ ,~