09-11-33 Regular ~ COUNCIL C'R'AM'R'Im <$ September ll~ 1933. {}( " The COU1lo1l. I18t in regular session at 7:30 P.M. :Mr. Crego, lIr. Diggans,. :Mr. Foote and Mr. Jacebs were presen t. The minutes of the meetings held AU$I1st: 25th, August 31st, and September 5th were read and approved. A cOlllllll1Dica t ion wae read tram:Mr. C.C. Turner; who represents the local ohapter ot Ule :Bed Cross. requeeting the. t $lQO.OO be approppid8d from the o:b.Uity fllnd to that organization. On!llli)t1on duly made, eecended and on roll call oarried'it was ordered that thie 'amoun't; be appropriated, when endereed by the proper autho:l,":i,'ty,: It was m$.c'l by Mr. Crego that the mat1;,~:t\iQt ., lowering the water miD at the Florida East Coast CQa1 be reterred to the City Engineer to confer with tb-e Federal authorities and report on the matter. ~,"lJ1Otion was seoonded by Mr. Foote and ou roll oall unanimously- carried. ,C" I p!j It was moved by Mr. Crego, that the bid ot:Mr., R.C. Guptill tor puttying the windows and epetl1ngse.t the. City Ball for the prioe at $ll.OO be aooepted. The ' motion was seoonded by Mr. Foote and on roll call: unan- imously carrie d. It was moved by Mr. Crego, seoonded by Mr. Jaoobs that the matter ot const:woting storm Windows at the City Hall building be reterred to the Finance Commi ttee wi th instl"l1l1tions to ac t immediately. This motion was also oarried. Ibtl \~':""'''''t,,:,'''~.:'-:{'':t,>;,~~ ", '" :',;'.;,{:,;-~,',',,:' A reeolution with referenoe to the eme:rgenoytJ."~~;'~ rel1et was then introduced, and it was moved by :Mr. FOGlt.";.~,.,(,',~l,~,;,,1 seconded by Mr. Crego that the reeolution be adopted, and\'~ on roll oall it was unanilllOusly carried. ,..~i~ The Chairman ot the Se.ni tary COmm1~i'tee was t ~ 4- instructed to conter with the City Engineer and Mr. Baker regarding the emergenoy reliet expansion, with a view" to tOll:lllUla t1ng plans andmakiJ;\g,~J/f!.n~mn:t.s<+.Q;t:.., sewer repairs. This motion was seconded by Mr; Crego, and on roll call unanmmously oarried. ],- 0':i1 JDl)'tiO"'41ltl1l' fiEde J ? seCo.nltffd",e.ndj HrrilJdjt. . tb& City Attorney was instructed to make set,tlement in the matter ot Sundy vs City at Delray Beach mandamus sui t now pending in the Circuit Court. 4( It was moved by Mr. Crego :llhat Marian Clark be granted Speoial permiSSion to repair the root other residenoe on B.W. 5th Avenue 'with shingles donated to her by the Red Cross in 1928. The motion was seoonded by Mr. Foote and unanimously carried. It was regularly moved, seconded, and oarried ~~at the Council adjourn. l/'l APPROVED : ... ;!,'{[l,~".~ Presiden ot, e .ou .' . 17T ~':;-i'>.,