09-25-33 Regular ~ ... '~( li'i ~ , L~_ 173' COUNCIL O'R'AVR1l:B September 25, 1933. Coune 11 met in regular session ~~ Mr. Crego, Mr. Diggans; Mr. Foote and :IIr. present. at 7~30 P.M. Jacobs were . The minutes ot the meet ing held September 11th were read and approved. The matter ot mosquito control in the Western part of the City was taken up by Members ot the Oouncil and Mr. Hager. The following resolution was then read and Ullanillmously adopted: No _ ..v ~ A BESOmTION SHOWING THE NEom:lSITY FOR J!'.kJJlsHAL' FUNr6 FeR WORK RELIEF mOJEOTS A cOllllllUnicat ion was read from the engineer of the War Departljent with reterence '00 the lowering ot the water main at the canal. Same we.s ordered tile4 for future :ueferen oe. The tollowing motion was ottered by Mr. Sa-cabs: That the City ask the R.F~e. to furnish labor for the ilepair of the City sewers. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote, and,"on roll call unanimously oarried. An application from the Kiwanis Club requesting aid from the R.F.C. tor a beaut1:t1 ca tion program wall read. It was moved by Mr. Crego that this project, be applied for. The motion was seoonded by Mr. Foote and on roll call unanimously carried. , It was 1llOved bY' Mr. Foote tba t the 01tY'...O,09,:i)e1'S,.; ate with the R.F.C. in transporting men to and frolDth(llr work tor a ],Briod ot two weekts. This motion was I!leconded .'<,,':!'" ~ ... ?-( , 1i'i "') , r ~ 175 by Mr. Crego~ and unanimously carried. It was moved .y Mr. Foote, seconded by Mr, Orego tbat the Parks Committee be authOrized to purchase lOO teet ot 1" rope tor the life pnserver at the beaoh. This motion was unanimously carried. A list ot those desiring to work out water bills was read and the matter was laid over until the return of the Chairman ot the water oommittee. It was regularly m~ ed, seconded and carried that the following bills, 'which had been O.K. 'd by the Finanoe Committee be paid. - Florid4 Power & Light Company Southern Bell Telephone 00. $293.33 19.35 i '. The applioation ot Mr. Boy B. Goodman to supervise certain'R.F.C. improvements was regularly read and or~ered filed. It was regularly moved, seconted and oarri$d that the Oouncil adjourn. "t;' APPROVED: