10-09-33 Regular 1', '{ , OOUNCIL CHAMBER - . Ootober 9th, 1933. The Mr. TheCottncillllll'fl in regular session at 7:30P.N:~ 1'ollowingum.embers were present. lIr. Crego, lIr. Foote, Jaoobs and lIr. Smith. t{ .' ':," ,'i'''",>'; On motion duly Ill!'lde, seoonded and oarried lIr. Jaoobs was eleoted President, pro tem in the absenoe of President Diggans. The minutes 01' meeting held 8eptember 25th were read and approved. , ilt.l The Ill!'ltter of lowering the water main at the'oa.nal bridge Was disoussed and left with the Water C01Dlllitte~o~"" a. report. 'J},:.!:\'~>!',:, ' 'b',~";)"";";~',,>,,,,,~,, '.... -.'". -./, -'~/;}:~Jf;:'~;:lr.r~;';<'::.: A.o01llllll111ieEit+on Was read trom the :r.iq~illat~:l,";~tj';'Ci?~~i The Trust Company ot Fl~ri4a With re1'erenoe to delin$,,,,eI1:':t;i;,h;.t)d;i6:~': taxes and same was ordered file d wi th the Oi ty Clerk. A'h .::dl;+ , ,./' A cOlll!llttnioation was read from the oolored Citizens OOIlllll\mity league; and it was m0V7ed :Ilha t the Clerk aC:\tnc;lW- ledge same showing appreciation tor the spirit 01' theii( organization. A communioation was read from the City Attorney regariing the suit noW p!nding between the City and B.F~ Sundy. The same was ordered tiled. ,>"6: t,,.; ,\: The following motion was ot1'ered by J1r. Foote: ,,' That oonsumers desiring to work out delinquent waterb1l1s' be allowed to do so. Motion was seoonded bY' lIr. Oreso, and on roll oall ttnan1m&usly ca8!ried. f' On moti~..CI.\1:Ly made, seconded and oarried:r~li$'" following widow's e:temptions were allowed: , Johnnie B. Samuels, Pearlie lloberts Olive lliehardson and the tollowing were refused: Lilia Hallback Eliza Kemp T. tl , It was regularly, IIDved seoonded ana: carried that the fo~loWing bills, wh1oh'had been O.K'd by the Finanoe Committee, be paid. . DelrayLurnber Oompany Water Level Controls J. Myers Geo. O. Butler L.J. Niohols Delray Beaoh News The Pa1nt Store Orange state Oil Co., Halsey & Grif1"ith The Service Garage Fisher Ino. Standard Oil Oompany Brennan & Plastridge W.A. Jones Farquhar MaChinery Co. 139;;67 2.53 l~25 :8~B3 38.85 12.00 1.67 l61.25 2l.58 27.80 lO1.35 195~26 23~sa 32.50 18.15 4< b/ , Mr. Kearley and Mr. Wood then cane before the Council with reference to payIl:lent ot inte:t'est ooupotls., Mr. Cr9go moved that the Bondholders 00_1 ttee, A1J!enlJi' oo~ alldThe Palm Beaoh Oompany be paid the sum oti;( <, $6,601.05. The motion was seconded by :ur. ::1mith,a,n4.<' on roll call the vote was as follows: :ur-., .l:lrego;ves, Mr. Foote J1;eljl, Mr. Jaoobs yes, Mr. Smith yes" The, motion was deOlar,ed oarried. It was regularly moved. seoonded and carried the t the COU:r10 1l adjoUJ.':r1 to meet at Ootober_ " i lOth, 1933. C , APPROVED: r!l~~ Presiden ot he Oou' . ~