10-10-33 Adjourned Regular 1<:;1 , COUNCIL ':Cl'R'~~ "'I' Qotober 10, 1933. . The Counoil met in adjour.ned regular session at 4:00 P~M. Tbe :lblloWing m6lilbers were preserm: Mr,. Orego; Mr. Foote, Mr. JaoobliJ and Mr'. Smith. ~e 1'ollOlJing motion was ot~red bY'~~hCrego: That the Street OolllD11ttee be authorized to pu~ha'S& a battery and tires tor the street department t:wck. The motion was seoonded by Mr. Jacobs and on roll call unanimously oarried. , *1' ,'tf: !t.' '} ,{ ~ I { On motiOl1<,duay Dade, seoon4ed and carried, the lIBt"ter 01' loaning the City level to Leslie Moore was approved. It was mav'ed by Mr. Crego that thtili'91'1lY furnish the mosquito control' workers tr$.napl.)rtatiQn .to" and from their work. Tbe motion was secondedbyMr, Jaoobs and carried. i ,1,1 , I ~I . ~ q " ~ .. ,;; Ii An opinion was then read from tbeOity: Attorney in which he stated that tb!! OounoUexcEleded their authority in voting seven-eighths of the delinq11ent taxes tor the years 1930 and 193J,;> and that those oollections should be divided in aoco1'liance,with the original levy. This c CIIIIII1nication was ordered filed. ~ it ~ , ,Il Mr. Foote tMn int!llOduoed the tolloWing resolution and moved its adoption. NO lOl :f ~ , ~ A ~mTION BY THE OI'lY GOUB)IL OF THE CITY OF ',I ~y BEAOR, nelIDA, BES8INDING A PART OF THE RES~Ll1TI()N I ADOP'fI:NG '.l'HE BlJEGE'l' AND 'R"I'TI:NG TEE APPBO~!aIQ~; FQll ',THE ! FISq~ Y:tWi 1938":1933; winCH RmO:W'l'.I0lf;1'30~' lOO"BI,~":,:",,,nq , J A.II1l!iNblW BY RmOINDING A PART 'l'HEIlEOF, WAS, ADOPTED.BYTIm; ~ CITY OOUNCIL ON OOTOBEB 29TH, A.D. 1932. ~ ,',I' ..',!..",.I~,,'. \, ' ~-. . ,~,' " l: ~.., :~ 1\< Tbe motion was seoonded by Mr. Jacobs and on iloll call unanilllOusly: oarried. Mr. Foote o1'~red the tollowing motion: I ~ftj. , -olr: the Speoial Imp1'C'>vement Fund amounting to approximately $2,800 .000behe'ld'intaot fortb:e purposeof'-lower;i,ng.,the--. water main at the Canal bridge and tor other improvements. This :motion was seoonded by Mr. Crego and on roll oall unanimously carried. It was moved by Mr. Orego that the Oity Attorney be paid the sum of $200.00 and tlOO.OO for defending the . Bundy oase, out of the bond funds for his speoial servioes.. The motion was seoonded by Mr. Smith and on roll oall unanimously oarned. I, , The fblloWing resolution was introduced by Mr. Foote who moved its adoption. NO. ~ A RE30DJTION BY THE CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF THE CI'l'Y OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOR::rDA., AOOPfim A BUDGE'!' OF FBTmATED EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL Y.UR OF 1933-1934, jN.f)J!'Olh'm PURPOSE OF L1sUJJ'lQ A T.a ON ALL OF THE PROPD'ftW:1.TJ:I:J,J.'lS4ID, OITY FOR nImJalWI'9, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OJ!' LI,vXm 4",T~' FOR THE PA~ O,A PORTION OF mE CumcENT BoNn ,:rllTERE~~. AGAINST THAT PIlO*TY LOOATEJ) IN THE OLD OI'l'I'~OF)IlmL:~U:r; AD ,elR '!'HE ~E OF LI!lV I.LNG A TAX FOR PBINe!J?AL, A.N1}, INTEREST AGAr:NS'!' TH!T PROPER\fY LOCATED IN THE (}LD 'l:OWN OF DELRAY BEACH, ~ FOR ALLOOJ:.'l'ING AND APPROPRIATING SAID COLLECTIONS THEREUNDER, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The tOlloWing resolution was intl"Oduced byMr",' Foote who moved its adoption: NO. 103 ABESOWTIOl'f BY THE CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF THE CI'l'I' OF DELRAY BEAOH, AUTHORIZING AND DIRmTING THE CI'l'I' TREASUBE1i TO PAY OUT CERTAIN MONIJl3 THAT HAD BmN COLLECTED ON g 1930-1931 and 1931-1932 TAX BOLL UPON PRESEN'l'ATION OF ClIRTAIN COUPO:NS. The motion was seoonded by Mr. Crego and on roll oall unanimously carried. It was :regularly moved, see tha t the Council adljourn to meet Wedne at 2 P.M. ",'1: :::;~~,'~"i\: ~ Approved!. Pro~~'?. Clerk.