10-11,12-33 Adjourned Regular I ~''fJ " ,.., COUNCIL C'R'AMFmR October 11, 1933. --:At: TheC~ci1"metat ,2.~.II.Mr. Foote~"Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Smith were present. General 1l1scllssi6ns were indulge.d in by the Council after which they adjourned to meet ~hursday, Ootober 12th at 2P.M. P( Approved: ~ftO~. President 0 :the C' 11 ************ COUNCIL CHAMBER October 12~ 1933. " 2 P.II. . The CG1ll1cil mt inadjoune4 regular ses8i~lt at" ,,' .,..."..' .'.... Mr~ Crego. Mr. Foote, Jir. J'aeohs & Mr. Smith werep~s~nt. Mr. Wood of the law B.F. Sundy appeared baton the oertain bond interest ooupons. :rirm ot Houser & Wood, repI'Elsenti11g Council and requested :payment oL.,' Not action was taken in the matter. Mr. Foote offered the ,tollowing motion: Thatn~pur-, ohases be IIIlde by any City emPloyee without :t'1:J.'st obtainiIlg,a requisition trCIII. tb3 City Cguno11 or Chai:rma:n ot h1sdepar,tnent. ThelllOtion was seconded' byif(r. Crego, and unan1mouslycar~;tEld":" . . ~"::"!~'~'r:t~~~~~'q.~~)>'7,~.f(iti On :motion duly made, seconded cO'uricH adjourned. :;,... .','" ,.,.'., 1 ~ . ~..'" Pre"'ide,Xl,t 01' t couno.. ' . '. ' ,