10-18-33 Speical l~ff ~ v OOUNOIL CHAMBER ~. . .__.,...".'..'.""....~.,-_. "'~.-,-,~._........--- OotOber 18, 1935. <':/-,- I The Council met in special session on oall, ot the Mayor at 2 P.M. The follOwing members of the CounCil Were present: Mr. Diggans, Dr. Foote, Mr. JaOobs and Dr. Smith. The project ot repairs to the Golf Oourse wa,s taken up and discusse4 pd on motion duly made; seoonded and earried the tOlloWing resolution was unanimously adopted tavoring the projeot. ('fI" 0" P'( "~ ~;I.) .f" '~,-. !i. A BESOWfiON ,BY THE OITY COUNCIL OJP .ci~~$;6# ',', DELRAY BEACH, SHO\'(ING.m:"SJ'lTFOR FEDERAL FUNDS'Yo)li., REPAIRS TO' THE RNIQIl'At GOLF OOllllSE ,"ir:'~[l~i:t\~.,. ,~.: .; .{:~~:!r. " , tJ. ~i In 1be ma tter or the 'nan4am.us proeeedil1$lIj:~~ri. pending, demanding tha t the mi~lage tor the yeaI' 19~~j.9~4, ...,.. tor debt serv10e be raised was discussed at considerable' length by memt:lers C1f the Oounoil and taxpayers. No aotion ' was taken in the ma t'ter a t this time.;"" The motion was seoonded by Mr. Jadobs, and on. roll call unanimously oarried. , til;, "<",v It Was regulaJ:'ly moved, seconded and carri.ed.tl1at;,\,j;~\!" the Oity purchase a reasonable sized oan ot Q,uaker state'<,~..; ,"e ail-, heavy, tor the use or the Ohiet ar Po,l,,:l.ce. ' .", "i .. .., +i"_,. ...,............. It w,s moved, seoonded and unanimGl:1s11 that the water ordinanoe be strictly entorcecl.. I l..._ ~ 1l5~ ~ , ' ,- ~ Cli&liiJtiiip ;ractQ1f~lot the San i tary . . .~l COmmit te,e , re commended.,.tJa"t ..,tb.e,C1n,shQJ~cJ..d. XlQ.:!i.ll1!ll!lo:'l.-_~_ .:' < a registered engineer to superintend sewer repairs. , . On motion duly made, seconded and carried, liis " recommendation was conourred in and adopted.r, On motion duly nade, seconded and carried, ,i" the Counoil adJ:lourned to meet October 19th at " ','.~' 2:30 P.M. . ," ' . ,':,;t,' - ~~i~~l, r . '". ~f"f:, }~':..' 1;' t>i I APPROVED: ~;r President of Couno " 4. j.' ,