10-19-33 Adjourned lHI ~ COmroIL CH/l.MBER ~ Ootober 19, 1933. ,t'!i The Council met in adjourned call session at 2:30 P.K. Mr. Diggans, Mr. Foote, Mr. Jaoobs and Mr. Smith were present. Mr. :Kearley, :representing the Bond Holders Committee, oame before the Counoil and the matter of inoreasing the millage for the year 1933-1934 was discussed by the Ilayor, members, of the Counoil and Mr. Kearley. ' Mr. Smith was called to the Chair and Mr. Diggans made the following motion: The. t the bond service millage for the year 1933-lil34 be., t1:lted at 18 mills. <tor be pro-rated' on bon1.s l:eld by the Bond Holders Proteotive '.sso01a 1;1on. Allen and Company. tbe Palm Beaoh COmpany. B?'lI'. Sundy and all other kn01lIl bond holders according t,o nlimbers. The mot10n was lost for want of a seoond. I :1 I , ;e ::l " ;i; ~ .t.~ f~ ~ ~ i I J>t ";> {L \ Mr. Foote then offered the following motion: That the millage be fixed at 71 mills oe'Vering all ourrent maturities. This motion was lost tor wfl,nt ot,a seoond. ,liJ :~~ ~ ~~, i;:< ,1 ~;;, '?-1; ~> ~ Mr. Diggans tl:en moved to renew his motion. , i, Mr. Jaoobs seconded his motion under protest, and on roll I ca~l, the vote was as follows: 1I:r. D1ggans yes, Mr. Foote;,'~""" no,)Ir. Jacobs yes, )Ir. Smith no. The :motion was deolared . lost. 1 It was moved, seoonded and 0 med that the Counoil ad journ. 'I.~ ....,~ ;f~ * 1 L APPROVED: P..fJ.fJ.1J.h~ '~;i :t' ~ "e f:<