10-23-33 Regular
October 23, 1933.
The Council met in regul~r session at 7:30
P.M. ~. Diggans, Mr. Foote, Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Smith
were present. The minutes of' meetings held October 9th,
lOth, 12th, 18th and 19th were read and approved.
.It cOllJIll1lnication was read !rem Mr. Sculthorp
With reterence to reduction in his taxes and the Clerk
was instructed to advise Mr. Sculthorp that the Council
could not accept hi s proposition.
The following resolution was then introduced
by Mr. Smith who moved its adoption: "W~AS the Wart
Department has ordered the City of' Delray: Beach to lower'
the wa tar main crossing the Intracoastal Waterway attl:)e;
Atlantic Avenue bridge, and that the plans andspeol:f'ioi!t+<,
tions must be drawn by a registered elilg~eer; NOW THE;rm;lJ'QRE
be it resolved that Mr. Roy F. Goodman be, and is hereby
employee. to make the neoessary drawings and present saine to
the Wa:tl' Department." The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote,
and UllaJl11mously oanied.
On motion duly made, seoonded and oarried the
matter of repairing the root at the bath house at the Beach
was referred to the Park Committee with power to act.
Mr. Smith otfered the following motion: That the
llfayor be auJlhorized and empowered to issue requisitions to
the Chiet ot Police for oil tor his car. The motion was
seconded by Mr. 'Jacobs and on roll oall carried.
In the matter of repairing the root ot the
Carver house it was referred to the Finance Committee
power to act.
W1i:h' d.]
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Mr. Smith oftered the following motion: That the :
machinery and equipment owned by the City be depreciated 10%
on the auditor's report. The DPtion was secronded by Mr.
Foote and unanimously carried.
Iti was moved by Mr. Jacobs that the Clerk
be authCl7rized to ascertain the holders ot City bonds,
and to secure the numbe rs and dates of issues ot sai d
bonds. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and
unanimously oarried.
The :!fire Department 'was granted permission
to use the Council Chamber for a school to demonst2ate
artitioial respiration.
It was regularly mo~ed, seconded and carried
that the Council.adjourn.