11-02-33 Special
November 28d, 1933.
The Council met in speoial session at the call
ot the Mayor at 3.00 B.M. All members ot the Counoil were
presen t.,
Mr. Roy F. GoodJmn, City Engineer, came betore
the Council in the matter of lowering the water main at the
canal bri4ge, ahd it was disoussed at oonsidei'll.oJe .,length "
by members of the Counoil and the Engineer. Mr. Smith then;
otteredthe following motion: 'l'ha t the plans prepared by
the City Engineer be accepted and adopted. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Foote, and unanimously carried~H
It was mowd by Mr. Smith that bids be oalledf6f'
and that same be adver:llised tor two conseottti'te issues in '
the Delray Beach News. ThellJ!)tionwas seccl1ided by Mr.
Foote, and on roll oall unanimously carried.
Mr. Smith moved that the City purohase 120 teet
of 8-inoh pipe at the price ot$l.OO per toot, in order ,to
compleye the lowering ot the pipe-line at the canal. This
motion was seconded by Mr. Foote, and on roll call unan-
imously carried.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that the matter of transplanting palms in the Ci~y Park
be:':'reterred to the Park. Committee with power to act.
Mr. Smith moved that the City Attorney be
authorized and instructed to answer the mandamus<St1it<D.OW t l
penK1ngin the Circuit C,ourt. The motion'/~~ll.,seo;olidig~rPY~;Ji'?;'''i'1
Mr. Crego and on roll call unanimously oarried. ' : " 'j
, ,
It was DDved by Mr. Foote that the City A ttor~eyj I
be instruoted to draft a resolution in compl1anoeWith.'t.%,e',j !
Court's order ~n the case of Mit1l,endort vs The Cityot;~J !
Delray Beaoh with re:t'erenee to boild servioe in the ,1933; I
levy, and turther repealing all other ordinanoes and "' I
resolutions attempting to fix the levy for bond servioe for I
the year 1933-1934. This motion was seconded by Mr.
Crego and on roll call unanimousl1oarried.
It was moved by Mr. Crego that all parties
owning or holding bonds ot the City of Delray Beach,
exclusive of those taken care of by order of the Court
in the case of Mittendart va City of Delray Beach, present
an attidavi t as to the ir ownership, number and alOOunt ot
bonds, together with a written demand tor a levy to pay
interest on said bonds, said levy to be on the same<basis,
and ratio as that contained in the peremptory writ in the
~tter of the State of Florida, Ex Re El VB Mittendort,
vs Frank Crego, Et Et as ofticiale of the City of Delray
Beach; Provided always that such affidavit and written
demmd be filed in the Clerk's oftice not later than
November lOth, 1933. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Smith, and on roll call unanimously carried.
It was regularly mpved, seconded and carried"
that all bills O.K'd by the Finance Committee be paid.
It was regularly moved, seconded ,andoarrled
the Counoil adjourn to meet Frida , November lOth
, ,
at 3
res ent of . @uncil
· : I