11-13-33 Regular 203' ~~ < COUNCIL OHAMBER November l~, 1935. "f ,;" , "-'( '?he Couac111B8t iD. regular sess1oD. at 7=30 P.M. All members 01' the Coull011 were present. '?he m1nutes 01' meet1D.Cs held October aSi'~. Novembv 2Jld. November lOth were read 8lIld approved. commtl'B1cat1ons were read trem the D1x1eM\l~1l:1 COlllpaay ull the Deale Au'\loJlIatic MUs10 C$mpuy request!ll,{_ reduc t10D. 1D. the1r ocCftlpa t10Jlu 11oellse. These comm11D.:toatl oils were referred to the erd1Jl8.D.ce Committee. A cOIl1lll.UJlicat1oJl was reafl 1'rOll1 the faJJll Beach. compuy dellBJlding that a tax levy be made for their bOlld iJltei'est the sam6 as other bOJld "holders. 'l'hIs 0 amn\UiI,ioatiOJl was ordered filed. {, .',~ il ; .. i :~ ; .c. >~, ...~ -~ -\J J ,t>i I . ,-. .". '?he appUcat10Jl ot C.J. Adams tor al)pemit~(""J!''i1 e01\struct a garage OD. his propert1 ill Blf;lok, U5 was.. o]t;i:lIlCil1!lon if,rl duly made; },eoctlded .4 carried, glUQlted. . ..l))(1 It was move4 by)fr. cmp that a p emIt begl'aated . kif '1 to Mr. Graham to r8)aIr the interior 01' his proper,ty at the i' : Beaoh. 113:'. FOO. mov,d to emend this Jll)t!OD. to read~t~a~,i:,.,H . i ::,;::c~ie d;:;'~~~ ;=~d~:~ i:iar::;1:e ~::S:ob~~'o~16;;;~~~f(! .l pub110propeJlty." '!'he mt1011 was UlI.aJl1mously carr1edas ' "'1, ',I amended. ! , I )fr. c'ego introduoed the following water o:r<ii-.aBce ' lUl,i moved 1ts passage 0Jl its first read i:ag: AN ORDINANCE , ' . ~'rING ~ SAU AND DISTRIBUTION \}F WATER" FUElNISHED. AN]') ;~" i s,lRVICI RIl'IDEREJ) TO OWNERS AND ClJIlSBIlmB BY'.I!HE CI'l'YOJi', ," '. ,... .; i l):DRA.Y ~CB, FLORIDA: lUIGtJLA'fING TliE RA~ THliR.R,. l"lVlAL'.llIl!lsl-.i I r~~:;~1:. :;,;~~Gi~~~~~ic~E1J~ rJ~~,; .m,'.~,. ;m".,.'.".~,..".'jrs,.D,"",:,.I,~~,.t;,'"J IN OOliFLICT HEREWITH ' " " ' '"." ' " """'''{~'~,'''''1' 'Dr,"l, hi.' The motion was &eO'.d'd b1 Mr. Foote I1D.d oll,n>14 i' I oall the 'lOt. was as, follows: ,.1". c~p :Y8S, .1"" l)igge,ns yes, i I .1'. ]!'oete yes. Mr. Jaoobs no od Mr. ~lIl1Ul D.O. '?he mot1011 t' was deO.la:ued carned.\! F 'j ! . fi' \, i .tl, ; :' ,1 -'F'" '- .." <:-/. -r \ bond This Mr. Foote moved that Ci ty Attorney Adams be authorized and inst:ructed to draw Up an ordinance fixing the millage at 18 mills. This motion was lost to r wan t of a seoond. "'( It was moved, seconded and unanimously oarried that all bills that had b6Ell approved by the Finance Comm...' ittee be paid. ' Mr. Jaoobs offered the following :mot1on;~f,l,:llc~>;,! ~he City Attorney be authorized and 1nstt:Ucted to dl'aft~: ' ordinanoedirect1ng th e Tax Oollector to accept bondsto~i'i';J: u all delinquent taxes, prev,ded always the. t taxes 1 evied te!:" maintenance for th e year. 193f:l $Xld 1933 be 1'irst paid in ',' eash,and provided hrthe;pthat taxes delinquent prior to the .year 1932 in th e eld Toft et Delray Beach go .into the, bond ~d or th e .emer 'ron of Dell.'8.Y BJaeh. 'hi s motion was seconded by Mr. Cregt> and unanimously carried. It was moved, seoonded and carried that the Counoil adjourn to meet Wednes~:r ni t November 15th at 7:30 P.M. ' ~ I , I APPROVED: ..~~ zua