11-15-33 Adjourned Regular COUNC IL CHAMBER .... November 15, 1933. ;;:"jo)' '\ The Counoil met in adjourned regular session at 7:30 P.M. The bids :far lowering the water main at the canal were opened and read. Kressal &. Halloway bid $3,700.25 and KenSley\'eM Riddle, $3,138.00. The bids, were, ordered :filed for tnture consideration. Mr. Diggans then brought up the rra tter of street lights and it lias moved by M.r. Crego that 20 overhead braoket street lights and 3 whiteway lifhte be instilled December 1st. The IlDtion was seconded by Mr. Jacobs, and/. on roll call unanimously: carried.,::;~: ..;.... The ma tter ot removing benches trom the lot, ot the old Chamber of Comnerce Hall to the Golt Course w~s referred to' the Finance Committee with power to act. 4' I It was moved by Mr. Foote that the City pay the premiums on the ins Ul"anCe policies on the Golf Course and prorate and El.eduot t he same IlDnthly in installments, trCiD. Mr. Wilson's pay. This motion was umnimously carried. ii!:' ", On motion dnlymade. seconded and carried the City agreed to :furnish paint to oover the " water tank at the Gol:f Course provided Mr. Wilson would furnish the -iabor. It was moved, seconded and carried that the matter o:f getting in touch with authorities regarding mosqui to control be :f'eterred to Mr. Jacobs to seoure their oooperation. The tollowing ordinance was then intIJ.T0duced by Mr. S.~th who moved its passage on its .ti~t reading. , AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF] ~~~~~~~' ~~~~I/~~~IM~Gp~~~iW~~~~RTAIN' 0'l'EER ~AX1r.R CAN BE PAID IN BQNIB Oll SAIl':> CITY. ' ~~ The IIDtion was seconded by Mr. Foote and on roll oall unanimously carried. r ZUf' ".,.,."i 11 ; 'j ! j N~,~'tl '. ,~. ,'J ;i i I :-.t.. , ."" ~ It was regularly moved, seconded that the Clerk be authorized and instructed and Wood, attorneys for B.F. Sundy, the sum in teres t coupons 0 rdered by the Court. and carried to :t;Ely Houser of :jp738.25 far Mr. Foote offered the following motion: That one thousand dollars in the Water Plant Fund now in the Central Farmers Bank be set aside for contemplated water plant improvement. The motion was seconded by M.r., Crego and on roll call unanimously oarried. It was moved by Mr. Crego that the bill ot J.H.Adams, Attorney; for special attorney's fees amounting to $350.00 be allowed and ordered paid out of the bond fund. Council adjourned to meet T rsday, November ll:6th, 1933 at 2:30 P.M. APPROVED: . <fi ~ , .. ~'u;,r, , .,