11-22-33 Special 21'3' ""} ."'- COUNCIL CHAMBER, "", November 22, 1933. The Counoil met in speoial session on call of the President and Acting-Mayor. Mr. Diggans, Mr. Foote, Mr. Smith and Mr. . Jacobs were present. !\l A resolution adopting the budget and millage tor the year 1933-1934 was introduced: "A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IlELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A BUDGET OF ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1933"'" 1934, AND FOB THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX ON ALL OF _ PROPER'fY WITHIN SAiD CITY FOR MAIN'1"IDm.NCE. AND FOR ~:ag PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PORTIQ~';()F~:;,j,: THE CURRENT BOND ,INTEREST AGAINST .T PROP:ER'U LOqA.~JJ;D THE 000 CITYOFDELRAY, AND FOR THE PURPOSE, OF;J;.WrnNG<Ai'C, TAX FOR PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST AGAll1ST THAT pro~~+oaA IN THE OLD TOWN OF DELBAY Bl!:ACH, AND FORALLOOA'fiNG.A11Di APPROPRIATING SAID COLLI!XJTIONS THERIroNDER, AND FOR oT.iBn PURPOSES." , . Mr. Smith IllOved that t he same be adopted. motion~as seoonded hy Mr. Foote and on roll call unanimously carried. On motion duly made, seconded and oarried the City Clerk was authorized to hire add! tional oftice help.. Council ad(j.ourne APPROVED: -I.A2~ - ,P ide nt · eCounoid.