12-04-33 Regular Adjourned '!T~~' w<, ,~ , , I"~ , it ~. ~ I , ~) S ~ I t i ~'i "> <ii" l! l: '"*'- "'~I;, ,(' ~' 'J~: ..,,.., ~. ...~.',>~"';;'r,"'''''~.~~...,..,..,,,.,...,.'''','''.,....,~,',,,:.'",.,'^"',..,'< """,.'r,"""'"'''' "<"'"''''''''''''''''',~.".>.~.y.-.,o,>""."..,.-":,.,,..,."~'''''''''''';'':'''"__':''':.",~ry'''''''''''~~'''''~"""" COUNC IL CHAMBER December 4th, 1933. The Council me t in regular adjourned P. M. Mr. Diggans, Mr. Foote, Mr. Jacobs and present. '" , " ~ I ; session at 7:30 Mr. Smith were ~, A resolution was then read indicating the wil.J:ingnes8,J~ and desire of the Ci ty t~dona te a strip or land on the North side or the bridge at the canal and on the West side of the Canal~ forty by four hundred feet, for the purpose of widening, the canal at this point. Mr. Foote moved that the resolutiop, be adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith and on roll'> call unanimously carried. :,'i: ~." _~l,~ . It was moved by Mr. Smith that the Finance Committee. I' ",,' , be authorized to have blue prints rmde of the proposed paV'~li!qn; t:, at the beach., The motion was seconded by Mr. Footeandonr()lJ,i',c""",.i",:",'",.,,;1 call unanimously carried. ' ',' '>,'i, ~l, i Mr. Jacobs recommended that Butler, Barnett & Taylor ,l'J~; be employed to check the City sewer system. Mr. Foote moved!_':, ,', that this matter be referred to the Sanitary Committee With>:,_, power to act. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith and tinanh, mously carried. It was regularl* moved, seconded and carriedtha.ti;'he-- adJjourn to treet ednesday, December 6th, 1933;;at,2'I>,M; 1!ln appointment wi tb. the Bond Holders attorney! b\l~6n ' of word that the attorneys' could not be present,the' ' was not held. Council to mee t receipt meeting ~: - '. . .:. ,- ':F .... ..' . ': :... ........ ".,:,:':."",:_ ,',,:,:., '-"~,":,":",}',~,",::,',,:;1_ ',. .' :', <i",;":' .::') ",__.:, "";: :_-,: '"c,: > h,.~~r"'~,":':' ~:' "j,:~ ;~i' ,:i:' ::,:,t:; . - P: _."_., : . .""" ..... ,""'," --':"'. - i ty Clerk. ,:,' , APPROVED: President of the Council. ,