12-11-33 Regular r:~. ,~....--- i . 1 j.l ... [itJ < , ;''t ;'., i'"., ""' t " ~:'~','_~i ft ~:", -.:! , :. .... -~.",.--.,. "11' . .. ~ COUNCIL GHAMBER December 11th, 1933. " The Council met in regular session at 7:30 ~. M. Mr. Diggans, Mr. Foote, Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Crego were present. ; . t,o The minutes of the meeting held November 97tli were read. With reference to agreement with Mr. Zook ~egarding tra fer of Block 134, the Mayor requested 'thEit the!.'o;tlOWing . , correction be, rede: "That Mr. Zook agreed to convey his inter in Block 134 to the Ci typrovided the Cityjallowed himacredi of $100.00 on some one outstanding tax'saiLe ()er~;t:ri()ate'o:n sOme oilher piece of his pro peT ty" . The CcunciL is'~j,,~say'i:R:~iwhat, ,\ piece of property, and this block ,is to be": conv~yedft'ree.and ' clear of all mortgagEB, 1 iens etc. 0 ther than taxes' ahd' asse ss- ment liens. , ti . ",! I ii 1 ;; Mr. Foote, who had ,enquired as to' the outstanding , 'jl" County taxes on said block" advised that they.w,ere, appro~in:a.te y $35.00; also that ther e w~ a mortgage co:vering this block.~t.ci- r gether with other pro per t1-' but' tha.t' ~F;~pkiri'l;ei1.de!~,::;t~~~~~~:;)II: same released.. ".,' ~;:;,." :(;'t,;~::"",::":~~ti;:,:,,:;,"!:l\:, , Mr. FootEl advised t}nt th~ bOIl'. ,,,,9:ffiitrs: :~~stliliad:l 1;>een una1;>le to meet with theCO\J.I].Cll,orr". c~mP!l;r;:"'.-,,,. ,?#st~:teq,:,~:, ln'the mlnutes but that tlEy had met in, In,1'oriba:l,rou (f't'able'" {f -' ',_~"~" """ 'p' _ -_<;-';..r;l'~;~:'-';:;;':Y"';":~""" .., '" ,'i di?cussion on Friday, Decenber 8th ".,' ':",\~1,',cf'" ' "', ,:', ,",.,'_'" , ',.,:- ",' ,/tv~?~',;_~-3~,; :,~,', , , With the above corrections, it W8:s,n:oved, sec,onded',an lIfarriedthat the minutes stand approved. '.' :~;':f,;.:' ::,', ' . ". , - ",:.:' '-:'>, ;:,::',-;:'Ld~~":_:::,,"_,';:H;fi:"i)';:'::'~-:':,,',:;~2+,,':<,:~,;_\.:~~'~,I'~:,,'::: ._' :-', Th~ application of Mr. E. ;r., 'Bti#6w,i.8r~11iceft'sl!i,i,:,tP;" ~ open a soda and sandwich shop was read.'In' compliance"VI:i;th ' . it'inerant merchant's ordinance, it w~s recoIlJlllended that'Mr,.,' Barrqw be requested to come before the Counc 11 and statEl hi s case; ,r , , ..U, t President Diggans read a le tter from~obert G:. Lynn, ',,~l of the U. S. Engineer's office, written in' reply to, the Counc i 'sll petition to the Government asking "that the Canal at'lJelray 'II Bridge be?f uniform.width wi th"Mlf...cahal.."';I.'he;,,,lElAt:ter: ap,vise, ;,~., that the standard bottom wid~,. of 100 ";, wi th extra width to pror 1: .vide for ,1:3"!:s;id~,",!1l10pes, would. be ~redged as clos,e to the j:' bridge,,'e:s,:~' " i(j~ble... 'rhis, Mr. DigganS stated, 'Complied wi 1ltl Ii, all:li:ti'e re::q 'e'i!ls,'6t said peti tiOllll and would relieve all I If' dan,ger~~l'd, Sj!%:pn;;:iit this point. l r :.;&: J: ~~S:bY Mr,,. Jacobs that the dld Councilreco~-:I:f mend ,'tIl:i3.t, t.. !,' .,:(JQunc 11 wr~ te in an attempt to obtain provil'i~ . 'II ,-;;J.f;iY~:: ' '1 !l" , , ,\ I' " +, ", 'r ,~ ;( . !" 1 . ~~ . . '~2S Council Chamber - December 11th, 1933. for a yacht basin in Block 1~4. The motion was seconded by !\IIr. Crego, and unanimously carried.. !\III'. Fotte presented plans of the proposed bathing pavilion and moved that same be adopted and the Preside-nt and . Clerk be instructed to exebute the necessary papers for C.W.A. project application. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crego and unanimously carrie-d. Mr. Diggans stated tha t.. complete' plans"'" ", had been drawn by NIT. Jees Johnson and therefore no expense had been incurred except for the blue-printing. The follOWing ordinance was then brOUght up for dis- U cussion: AN ORDINANCE BY THE ,CITY COUNCIL ,OF THE CITY OFD, ELRAy ".1 BEACH, FLORIDA, PRESCRIBING THAT CERTAIN TAXES LEVIED SHALL .BE i i- 0' PAID IN CASH, AJm PRESCRIBING THAT CERTAIN OTHER TA.US CAN BE ' " ' PAID IN BONDS OF SAID CITY. ' , It was moved by Mr. Jacobs that reffeili'ed to the new Council f'or action. by Mr. Foote and unanimously carried. Mr. Diggans advised that the beach equipment whiCb..he had been authorized to purchase had been Ordered and would"oe:~: installed as soon as the ma,terial arrived. ' this ordinance bere-,: ' The motion was seoonded :i< :! ! Mr. Jacobs recommemded that the. Sanitary Oorrmi~t~t!lEli}I;~~~,:;,~~" proceed at once with the Sewer ConstructiOtlProject as'U'Wai;i"3"':'7 !=::~~;E~i:i"::::t ~St..~e i~~i~~~~_f'.~" ry C. N. A. app:ticatiam. ',..' '. ',' , .... ;,>'1> " " Permit Application No. 163 byJoeP9bson 1'01' perlll:l;~..to)J build on N. E. Corner Arch Watson SIl:bdiV:l~iQniPt1N. W,.<lo~.iJI,:.,.,'v,",.'(!};,",i,"~,I,i;'iI,\,' was on motion duly rmde, seconded andcarriedgrante<!+\"...cji.:i>. }",.~ . . '. ..... . ',.' '. .,,~"':, ,,_,,_::';'r?':.'X";~~?"Fi-_:~ It was moved by Mr. CI'!ifJSo thatappl:lc~t10n'N'0. l64i"9':b"" f'F O. A. Seestedt to build an addition to his garage in Block 123 : i be granted, although it did not oomply with fire ,ordinance With+ i. reference to distance from lot lires. Mr. ,Fopte said he Objected: r to setting aside by motion, the provisions of'ordinances, but'wa's ! willing, in this case, to do so it' 'the adjoining property owner,! Doctor Hedden, registered no objection. to the granting of this; l permit. The Fire Chief stated that same was agreeable to Doctor' f Hedden. , .~;, ',' ,." ,~ , ;'.<"~,\~, " ;'~:\:i~/> ,- '., -{-:""'~;{~1~:-c'f?,~~~~,,;.,,:t~')~;iJ"\ Mr. Crego then moved that the proposed water ordinance ' !' be read on its second and final reading and passage. This ;~ motion was lost for want of a second. Af'ter some discussion, it ~' was moved by Mr. Foote that any change or passage of' new water, . '~ ordinance be lef't up to the new Counc il. The mO,j;ion was .seconded f by Mr. Jacobs and unanimOUSly carried.' , J The following bills having been audite'd and O,K.'dby '1 the Finance Committee , Were referred babk to the 06uncil. ahdon' 'i,' roll call ordered paid: , Council Chamber - December 11th, 1933. Adams Hardware Brennan & Plastriage Addressograph Company Columbian Iron Works Dr. K. M. Davis Delray Beach News Delray Heating & Plumbing Delray Drug Company Fisher, Inc., Fugate &,Brockway Roy F. Goodman R. A. Gr!ty 'B- Halsey & Griffith, Inc., The Hefty Press W. A. Jones Jurney's Repair ShOp '), J. Myers & Son Neptune Meter Company Orange State Oil Company Peninsular Supply Company The Service Garage 'r' Standard Oil Company Supervisor of Registration Town of Boynton R. D. Wood & Company $ 2.30 63.00 .29 77.40 12.00 49.25 .60 1055 2.55 10.50 7.00 3.74 1.40 60.00 6.85 1.50 2.25 6.72 73.10 4,6. 20 18.85 107.39 10.00 , 48.0Q 16.50 2'2"l' Check #4216 #4214 #4215 105 4213 4225 4212 42H,,,,,,.""'" 4221 4210 4218 4222 4223 4209 4208 4219 ',' 4207 10'\ ~:J.1.0 '1~,,(p ~ '- 6 'I Mr. Winn was then requested to present lmd annual Audit Report in detail. rt was. move,dthe,t the be accepted and copy filed with the Clerk 1'(n"the new reference. The Clerk was then ordered to proV'e,,~~"vhth,theOP.~~ing' of the ballot box and the canvassing of the votes cast iri'the" annual election held December 5th. The returns of the eleotion board, signed by A. E. Plastriage, M. T. Knox, George W., May- berry and T. A. Rawls were as follows: ' i -+,,-- Mayor: it' Councilman, Ward #1: Councilman, Ward #2: Councilman~At-Large " . 201" 184 D.M. Bradshaw John W. Hall W. J.' 'if oh11sten.. c. N. MacLaren Lot L.. Smi th 213',"" . , ,"'~ifll 12' 163,'. Frank Crego Matt Gracey 153 240 :l~""" 294 ,;,;,,", 100 C. W. Hill W. A. Jacobs 22U Council Chamber - December 11th, 1933. Mr. Rawls stated that all disputed ballots had been counted at the wind-up but that same did not alter the result of the election. Mr. Jacobs moved that those receiving a majority be declared elected. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crego and unanimously carried. . It was moved and carried that the C01l11() iladj ourn-sfne .. die. The President expressed his hope that the outgoing members, :\ would continue their interest in the City in the future as they it had in the past. . , , :ii }' Mr. Jess Chief of President Diggans then administered the oath of office to the incoming Mayor, Mr. D. M. Dradshaw, who in turn convened the Council and administned the oath of office to the new members, Counoilmen Hill, Johnston and Gracey. Mr. Grac~y then moved that Mr. Diggans oe elected as President of the vouncil for the ensuing year. This motioll was seconded by Mr. Foote and on roll call carried unanimously. The Clerk read a letter addressed to~he Council from Johnson, requesting' $onsidention and reappointment as Police. This letter was referred to the Mayor. i I ; ! I , I ~I, l , ~ ; I " I , , 1 , , , , i. t ! ,. ~ The Mayor announced standing committees for the en~ SUing year as follows:" FINANCE COMMITTEE ' (Finance & Real Estate}' C. W. Hill, Chai rman LeRoy Diggans Matt Gracey : i ,; I i I I ~ I " I LIGHT COMMITTEE (Lights, Park & G~lf) , LeRoy Diggans, Chairman Matt Gracey W. J. Johnston ORDINANCE COMMI TTEE Matt Gracey, Chairman E. B. Foote W. J. Johnston SANITATION COMMITTEE (PUblici W. J. Johnston, Chairman E. B. Foote , C. W. Hill STREET, WATER & FIRE COMMITTEE E. B. Foote, Chairman C. W.'Hill LeRoy Diggans Refe~ring back to the, bui Iding'p~rmit all()W~q)pi,!X the previous Council to Mr. O. A.Seestedt, Mr. JOhns~Oll!' suggested that verbal permission of,the, adjao~ntproperty owner was hardly suffia ient; that it muldbe well to.havei t in writing. The Fire Chief was directed to have Doctcll:"Jjedden , sign said permit as indication of his agreement in thaarat:'\ler:;'dI I f, . ~ ".; t. I t ( ~ I I I Counail Chamber - December 11th, 1933. PUBLIC WORKS C01~ITTEE W. .T. Johnston, Chairman E. B. Foote Matt Gracey " " It was moved by Mr. Foote, seconded by Mr. Gracey that these appointments be confirmed, and on roll call the vote was unanimous. " The new Counail then referred back to the ordinance becoming effective December 12th permitting payment of 1930 and 1931 delinquent taxes wi th Delray Bonds. The rra tterwas discussed at some length, afaer which Mr. Gracey offered the following motion: That the Ie rk beau thorized and direoted not to accept bonds for delinquent taxes for the,years'.1930 and 1931 for a per iod of two weeks from the defte hereof. The J motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and on roll oall unanimously carried. j j It was moved by Mr. JOhnston,,- seoondedby Ml'.,:J,l'i;lote: that Miss. Cramp be hired to take lninutes of the regUlaI' " council lIlgetings for a recompense to be ,settled upon later. ". \ On roll call the vote was unanimous. .,. .'" J; ~ Mr. Foote outcrined some ot, the re~irs andiInpr()ve"'.' men ts planned for the i ty Hall Building under the C .:VV'.'.:A." > , . projects, advising that all figures and estimates were as ,"" yet incomplete but he would get same together ready for sub- mission at a special mee ting of the Coune 11 if they desired to call one for that purpose. ' 231 , ;'e1 I ~. /' . ~ ~ :;' j i-;- ~j'-~ { ,~1i j .",,',i"l .:;;,.:' -f ,:., ..~. The Mayor gave a short tdk on the different, prbje'lBts under way in surrounding towns and the advisability bf,Delray making prompt application for Whatever projects theY~d) to offer in order ndlt to belettot.itot1tss4a~of,th:l:~;~QvE~ii.n"""J.'1~,!i"1 ment work. "', ", ',' . " -".,._.~ It was moved by Mr. JOhnston, seconded by Mr. Hill and unanimously carried, that the committee in 'Change of the City Hall repair project be empowered to ~ke final surtey of project, and the President and Clerk be instructed to si.~n and seal the necessary papers and file application for same at the earliest possiblemmment. i , ~ 233 Council Chamber - December 11th, 1933. Re-allocation or lights, Mr. Fomte stated that in some places lights were too close together, while other streets had no lights for long distances and suggested that the Light Oommittee take 'this up with the' light' CompaIly'witha:-ihe'w"to'" remedying this condition. .)' Mr. Johnston advised that he had just received a telegram from Mr. Fagg stating, that, where C. W. A. projects were incomplete or unfinished, a blanket project application, was obtainable ror an entire program or work, to be filled out ,and used as required. This method he believed would facilitate action, and he would obtain such a blanket if,tl:J,is was the pleasure of the Council. It was moved by M!',.. Fopte, seconded by Mr. Gracey, and on roll call unanimouslycarr'ied that Mr. Johnston obtain said blanket project. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Council ji adjourn. ~. <~ Oity' lerk. ' \; APPROVED: ,.J l ""-j h~ , 11 .