12-28-33 Regular ~~~l' , COUNCIL OHAMBER Deoember 28th, 1933. The- Counoil met in regular session at &:30 P. M. The' Mayor, Oouncilmen Foote, Hill, Graoey and Johnston were present. :Mr;'Dfgganswa:sa1:5seiit~ ., ' """_~"_-_'_,-"..,. -: Mr. Foote was eleoted Ohairman Pro Tem in Mr. Ihggan's;;~, , c~., B... ;, ';::',::._' ,j The .inutes ot the llBetings held Becember 11th, 35tli'an.' 26th were read and approved atter a request by Mr. Foote tha1lthe1, minutes of Deoember 11th be corrected to deeigna te the Publ:L~! Works Oommittee as a special committee, there being no provision in the Oharter tor suoh a standing oommi ttee. A letter of apPL"eoia ticn :from the Reel"eation Clubwa8 read by the Clerk, who was inst:wcted to aoknowledge reoeipt of same. plaoe. ",: ~ ".( \ A letter was read from Mr. Lynn' of the U. S.Eng1neerfs i", 9ffioe requesting the SI1bmissicn' of' revise'll drawings onutheQlty'srjf"'; J,'~)jP.!led water main to be laid, acres" the Oanal to comlllY,,~~J:l"!;he: G01'Ei:eJUllElnt's ohanged program for dredging at this,P,Q1nt./,:;;.' ; J.b,oc. Johnston was opposed totlie O:!.ty~i:l.ng1'6ry~~<'> j (d'" services of '~'" engineer to re~1se thelJe plans, statingtha~:~9V:'51 ; , ernment eng1neers would do this for liS,' '. ',.,.;,'..:!C;J. ': - _". ," ..',. ..... _' _ . t .... ..,::';',.~;,:,?:,:,::~'::;:'",:'!,'~:' Mr. Hill then made the following motion: That t.tieWatsrl:;,.,k,! Committee be authorized to ~~t int,ou,oh,wi.th th.eg9"~l."nmen~,...il~~!; engineers and aseertain 'if they WOl!.ldinal(e thesene~e.ssarr:;i'l!jV:~~I'~~i!il plans aUd s}l$C it ie atiorlS j if notthe.t th,eOity_~mpl!>y,anE!l!S~Il:~.rLr:t; to do so. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gracey and on r,~:).l>o,a:ld: :, u.nanim01i1sly carried. ". ,,/ A oommunication was read, t:rom. colored citizens ot llelr'fiyL Beaoh requesting the paVing of' certain streetS asfoll'6ws: . ~ , " 4th Avenue: 3rd Street: 8th Avenue: North trom Atlaatic Avealle t04~h;St. West from lst. Avenue to 8~hAvell"ti'EJ .' NOrth trom 2nd Street to 4th Street' ?' . On mono'll. ofllt'. Gracey the Clerk was inBt~C'1:~ilitoadVis~'''tll."EW'''' citizens that goverJUllElnt ai\:i had been applied for street payfng under C. W. A. projects and that the Cltywoulclinolude asmueh as possfble 0(1 the requested pe.v~ng in the, contemplated progl."am. 'rlle motion was seoonded by Mr. ~ll and on roll oall unanimous'ly oarried. ' , ~ ~ "j ,\_~A A petition was read trom residents in the viCinity ot 4th Street ap,d N. lll. 7th Avenue requesting a street light plaoedF! '. I: " Counoil dhember - becember 28th, 1933. 236 , , ~ , , at that oorner. On motion of Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Graoey, I! the Light Oommittee was authorized to have light plaoed as per ' request. ' . . Mr. Foote said he had investigated the request tor widow's exemption on Lot :3 Bloek 6, Del Ida :Park, made by Mrs. Florenoe L. SOhleoksher, and that this applio~t was entitled to same. On motion duly made, seoonded and oarried the exemp- ti on was gra nted . The City Attorney then read the tollowing emergency,. h ::~::n:eifn:~:;~a~:e:u:r:~ ~:dS~e~ t~~~~yPg~;1rdi~ i. r1~ ~~~Im "#fQRm:WiCE,' BY ~......~J:, ",::!l~P;IJ'::t~~P, J:;".:,l,;g; . C;I:IT. .O~ .,l?~~"t ,~i~1. B......CH, FLORXDA,'P.tU>SCBIBING~..,a:(LfC"""TAIN'TAXE$,LEVIED SHALL BE ' , " ,f PAID IN CASH, ANJ:) PRESCRIBING mAT CERTAIN OTBEfl 'I'AYESC~ BE ; PAID IN BONDS OF SAID CITr" and tor other purposes. There was considerable disousSion a,s to whether it was advisable to accept bond principal in lieu of clipped upaid interest ooupons, as proV1deci by said amendment, after whioQ Mr. Johnston moved the' adoption of' said emergenoy ordinanoe, a~ drawn up. Mr. Gracey seoonded themot1on, and on roll oall the vote was as tollows: , ^', Atter disoussing the neoessary new circuit, cost, of same eto. Mr. Hill amended his motion to read: That this matter be reterred to the Light Committee to report baok to the Council. The amendment was seconded by Mr. Graoeyand oarried unanimously. ,.' ,',', "Mr. JohnW. Hall 's,fClrIll!l1:r;eI31g~'U9:na,.I3..T1J~ge,.QLE!)..4L. Municipal Court was read. Mr. Johnston moved that Mr. Hall's resignation be accepted and on roll call the vote was as tOllows: Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Gracey yes, Mr. Hill yes and Mr. Johnston yes; A member ot the .tI~al PalIllS Anmsemen t Company of Cordel~, Georgia, oame before the Council aSking forpenniss1onto bring) into 'town a Merry-go-round and other amusements and eonoe'ssi()ns: i The City Attorney stated that in order to gl'ant the'se peli)pl!l;~a license it would be necessary to Wa198 the existent itinel'antfs lioense. Atter oonsiderable discussion it was moved bYMr~ Johnston, seoonded by Mr. Hill, that the above" company be per- mitted to operate their ooncessions in thie Ci ty tor ibhe week ot January 15th tor a oonsiderati on of $50 .00, provided 1'10 gambling was indulged in. ' Mr. Adems pointed out to the Counoil that it was not Within the Counoil's jurisdiction to 1IIikesucha propoSitioll and after :further discussion regarding the nat1ll',e of the oompany's ooncessions,Mr. Hill Withdrew his second. The tollowing applications tor bUilding permits to ereot garages, were on :mot'ion duly made, seconded,and oarr,ied granted: } ;'1-. , ;:;"\..._~l F.K.James C.D.Tuoker ".J.Adams #].,68 Lot II BlOOk, loe :Permi tl,l66 " 10 " 77 "1167 W. 00' of Lot 15 Blook: n,7, l?ermit 1 I ~~-~ 241 " Council Chamber - becember 28th, 1933. . .; Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Gracey yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr..Tohnston yes. The ordinance was signed by the President Pro-tem and Clerk and declared operative. The City Attorney stated that Mr. Kearley, in the inter-. est of the Bond Holders Committee, had made two demands in oon- nection with the operation ot allbve ordinance. 1st: That in'" stead of accepting bonds at the,. par value, that the City aooept "'.:~i~'\h~"d~Hn:~rit~=~~s ~;;!t1i!~~~ o~o~~f!"it~.-:~:ltp~;Yti~-!~- 1933 ourrent tax also. Mr. Adams presented a request from Mr. earr for the follOWing information: That thE! City advise him as to what part: ot the paving on Canal Street I.n of bridge was paid tor. by tll~ City; also by what author1'iy the present water main was plaoed ' ,:lander the canal. '!'his was r8auired, he stated, in oonnection With their settlement of the ity's claims in the eanalwidening and lowering ot water mah. On .motion dUlY-made, secon4ed~nd earried the Clerk and Oi ty Attorney were direoted to furnish Mr.. Carr with the requested information. , " ~' , I ! ! I ~ ; ~ ~ I , ~ } , i '~ ,; .. ~ ,'j j j I :k ~ ,i I ( I tl t i ~ I ! I! , f I Mr. Johnston reported that, be had.had,t1t'enty halt-shade,; I I pos~lereeted on the beaoh and 1"equestedp~iss:ti:ln ,tel hirei1>, i I I o'ar~nter to erect the necessary frSJllts. JIr" Graoey moved tha1l '1 ~,.! Mr..:[€lhnston be authOrized to hirethts,wortLdone. The mot1c>n was seoonded by Mr. Hill and on roil oall unanimously oarried. ! Mr. Foote brought up the matter ottlle Alterep Hotel "i I sign,s~ing that several oitizens md complained that this sign ! !: obstr~()~~d the view ot traffic crossing:l;~eh1ghway. In retereno~" t~.tb.i@,,;~t was moved by Mr. Gruey tbat1l:fie,.91erkbe directed to , I i ,lI;'~t~}~1"~an,"'1; the Alterep l\9q"'e!!lt1ng:1fQ~t~;tb.eJ~:I,gn,be ,m9Yed" ',,' , lini1"i'it~~JeeTiult 'of his fall'l1retoddso<W'3;"tll\t':Ci'l1efweek:tha:t a:'" ;'~ letter, be" sent to the Trust Company of 1!'lorida, ,deOlaring the I ' sign a~~ce to trattie, and ask:1ng thatitlte taken down. The ! motion was~eoonded by Mr. Hill and unanimously carried. Mr. .Tohnston stated that at the requestot several old timers owning houses with wood shingIed roots.l:1ewished,~oo:rt~r the tC>llowing motion: That for..a period ofnine;tydaYll'ioWlieri!ii of home s outside the first fire'zonebepem.itte<i to #lp<<11'"suoh, : roots with shingles by permission of th~ll::Lr~~fi1e,t;and.the ',.'.; written consent of adjacent p:roper'iy oWDers;,.p~tllled ,it did, neit I increase, the insurance rates 'in '. suCh,dill''!;~!e.t&l."..;Mr. Gr~ce,:Y seconded the motl'on and on rollcall the vci.te ! was unanimous: \ ! " Mr. j ohnston moved that M:l.ss. CramPbe>paicl fi...edol1a.rs1 )e~,1Jl,Onth extra oompensation tor attend~'ceat the re&\1lar (J,oU:rl,cllmeetings. The motion was seconded by M1'. Foote and on NJ;J" o,all the vote was unanimous. 1 I .__..J. .Mr. Foote brClllght up the matter ot personal tax assess- 1 menta, saying that. qui te a number ofpeElp1e ola1lDed they had been i' unjustly, Elr unequally assessed, and he would like to see the i i Einanee Qommittee look into the mattet to see if they could correct! "Y Counoil Chamber - becember 28th, 1933. 243' Some ot these oases. 'Mr. Graoeymoved that the Finanoe Committee be authorized to look over this l~st otpersotlal tax assesSmants ana report back to the Council. 'The motion was seconded by Mr. ' ; Johnston and carried unanimously. Mr. Adams directed the CQuncil's attention to the tact that the Council had sat as an Equalization Board to hea~ and act on the aSS$ssmen'!;s and the time, was nQ1t' pe;l:lt for adjustment of same. He stated however, that a speoial aot of legislature provided for redress where an assessment was declared illegal. ''l'Hit Attorney oalled the attentIon"of'the'Cou,iieirto-the~"-- neoessity o~ appointing a Munioipal JUdge to take the place of Mr. Hall, whosere.!gnation took etteot immediately. At this JOint the Clerk read a letter from the absent CO~llIilmlln, Mr. Diggans, saying he had been informed that. a! a private meeting of the Council members Wednesday night certain ; 4lc>ntemplated changes in the persoi'ulel ot the Gity employeishad. ..' Deen disoussed. All members stated the meeting reterred to had., , been tor the, discussion of the bath house aJ1d p,aV'gillln.p;ro~ect and :reg:uetted that Mr. D1ggans had been misintormedasto its purpose. Out of courtesy to Mr. Diggans, however, Mr. Gracey moved all appointments with the exception of the judgeship be postponed until the next meeting. The motion was seConded by Mr. Hill and unanimously oarried. . 1 ! ,I l ~ ) The Chair deUared nomil!latiotls for thEf 1Il11ti1eipal jijdge- : '1:t1.:~p were, now in order. With referen.ce ,tothiStMJ.!6.~r'sta,t,~dF~ tllat he would not aooept the oftioe", PI'efen,ing. that'BJl"out,siderl, b~.appointel\, and reoommended the nO~:I\ll!l.t,lon o:e,Mj,..'J~eG"Yl\11o"n ,Mj,.. G'IfYDD, who was in the audienoe, deol1nedtheotf!Lce. Mrf \ , Johnston then nominated Mr. Troup, who alsore'1p,ect~~~,.decJ.ine~~ Mr. Gracey then moved that Mr. Jacobs be ap~9111tedrrMun1cipal'<: I' Judge tor the ensuing year. The IllOtionwas seconded by Mr.' Hill}' and on roll oall unanimously carried. Mr. l.auren C. Hand then addreseed'l!heGo"UiCil,outl1n~~ tl'iUt difteren.t C. W. A. pro juts on han d(statingthere weretwo'~lfd t 'things he wanted from the "1 ty tor p1'oteet:tEl.n.'beforefinal reoom1 meJl.dation of the Bath House project. lstt illieopinion Iilf the ,. City Attorney as to whether it is within the C:I;ty's Jurisdiction l~Jdo as they propose to with the lot chosen to,rthe bathh6use s~'te. 2nd: Final resolution stat1ng what the location shall be. " ~( ...., ./ 'Co. i...r :>",'1, The Clerk then read the resigaatiotl of John AdamS as ~~~Y,4ttorney. Mr. Adams being present, stated his reasons for , fll,rteril1g same and requested the Counoil's aCCleptance of i;;I;,. ,Mr. ~,'o" h,,' ',~~ton ~,ed that the a ttgrney' s,:re~l$,~~~m\,~~;<.l~,~~'$;i;~~ft~,;;~MJ,l. ' ~.g;~ nsxt lIleeting. Mr. Hill seoonded the mC)tion~ which oaJ:'r1e~h ; " uniU!.imously. . < . ~~ The Mayor then made the tOllow1ng appeintmentsot polioe ottieers to take etfeet as of January 1st, 1934: R. V.Priest, Ohiet ot Polioe for the ensuing year and E.. ,M. l.anz as Assistant Chiet and Motoroycle patrolman tor a period of',six m~n:khs. Mr. Johnston moved the oont1,rmation ot theseapPC!1ntlll.entso'~. Hill was asked to take the ohair and Mr. Foote ee,00tlded the motion. , \ ,4 ~. . ~. ~ i' .', t .~ ,; ~ 1""'1 .....':1 \ , I "'; ,~ "'1 , "X 'C Hi " I Ii Ii I :,;:...,.' I ~4v Council Chamber - December 28th, 1933. On roll call the vote was as tollows: Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Gracey no, Mr. Hill no, Mr. Johnston yes. It was moved, seoonded and carrie a that the following bills, having been O. K.'d by the Finance committee, be paid: Florida Power & Light Company t444.37 Check ~4243 Southern Bell Telephone Company l7.60 " 424a E. M. Lanz 12.00 " 4241 Mr. Johnston stated that it Was neoessary at this meet- ing to maKe final deoision on the bath house site in order that work be not delayed when final o. K. same through on this project, . . -. . . .' . " , which was almost oertain to be wi thin the next day or two. 1 ,{ There was protraoted discussion regarding the two sitEtfli,l. the cost ot addit10nalland etc. Mr. Foote "..aid ,he was absOl.)lte+y~ op1'osed to paying $1500.00 tor the small C~:t'I"ingtQn lot. Mr. .,..... .. ',' Gr~oey then moved tha1;the part lion be built, on the Clty,'s...1Q1L, i i;; North ot the Seaorest and after asking Mr. Bill to take the chair, t Mr. Foote seconded the motion. ' , '1 Atter disoussion ot the motlen it was atnende4 bY~. ,:; G~aeey as follows : That the Finanoe ,olQlllittee' tiret wire ~, Offer: oft;J;~OO. 00 sash fo r the Sabin lot,01'liBexohang!l et~h!lf1'C!1l~.7t ; haif efthe 1 ty' s lot lying North. of the SEl",ore~t,Hotel,..~n4;;":i ,; , '.t'o-'ke a ceJl1prolllise otter tO~,.,!l,Xl<'l~:til ;~..~:!;'~.gt~1l",.<?t,..~sg~rOf'.:i;:~ f!>I"~heir l~t. 3rd: To pla"e the. Jl~4~ct on,.tl:l.e~~~ tY;l.o:j:;,;~~~~;.. ,K>), '~~" the: BeaQreIJt. Mr. Foote 'too,k, the,,,h~i.t!'b~~l.tJ.~~.,~,t,~~!~1'i'}2~;V,'~,,,.' f~~! =,="f,.,'".., t, .,~,~i:w:~e" ~iOthe ;:~:n~O:i~~~:e.h,/~J~;~, ~~~~S()~'.~~e/1.1, :,'~,,' 1ns, tefl;d of $12~0.i.OO on the Oar1'1ngto-np:ro~r'W. '.',~emot1on,"'1ri:I'l, ; j" IJeoonded by litr. Hill and unanimo1ilsly carr'lef1.' '. .' j' . . The Attoney adv1sed that ~. KeaileY~(l..made thetollo,'if .,.' 1...~~:ropo.s1tion: Tha,t if the C1ty,1IQ.ld~yb.+1Il:the,m.()J1~Y'.;:1p:;.'~~)'t!: q.11'l~al' 13~nd FQ.d and Special B()Z1d~n4,1UI1()~l1t~11~<t0$l3!;13~9,07li!'+ i ~~ltttthereupcm dismiss his suit aga1nst;t;l\e,p~,ty',,~h~l"e1);v,re:le,aS"'1 _,~;:n;;s t:t:dti~e~n other funds. No aotfonwaa'tkkenii1L:the. ':, ! , I Mr. Band 1nformed the Council that it would be necessary l' for the City to maintain a building inspector on the bathhouse I project when it got under way. _ ! It was mOVed, seconded and carried that the council ad.jb~~~~ ..,n,.,.,',.y,<:i.;, t~,. .~~. "\." ~: , :1- APPROVED: (:>.1; ~~~. , .' ,...'. '.", ',. PreSident 0, tM c~ ~ " , ~ ,""