12-29-33 Special '2'l'F COUNCIL C'R'A~ 1:le'O'Elml1er ~~'291;h,1933-;-' : I I ....".-1 The Council gt in special session on oall ot the Mayor. Mr. :l)fggans, Mr. Foote, Mr. Gracey and Mr. Hill were present. ,:! The matte r of looa ting the p~ol and pavilion on the ~",ac~ 'i was taken u.p and disoussed and it wasannounoe~that~. Carrington ofte,r!;ld his beaoh lot to,r .1500.0()".:L~()().OO, (I.!71~a1id ,th"oa1ano~'l' :f::O~~:o;;: on~:d t::O Gltir:~r~=/~~O~:i~~;ri:tl!;:;t~::l;.;J sU!I1 ,of $1500.00, $lOOO.OO o ash , balanoe,. or #500.0Q, 111 deterred. 1 payments on Gr betore two years, secured, by a tirst, mortgage, ."! de,edalldmerehantable abstraet to be:f'l1r!:lis:tl.ed~1,'',t'b:il!lmot1on:w(l,s 'I seeOtJ~t!(l byM;-. Hill and on rollcall tie') voteT\~s:ilit:as' tollows:~i Mr. I>lggansyes, Mr, Foote no, Mr. Gliaeey'y8S':;'and,Mr.H111 yes. ) _/ ~, " .. ,..,...........<.; ":,' ..........,.: .. ','.. ...... ".:>,,: -, -' ,:j ':1;t was mo~e,d by Mr. G:raoeYanlil'~l!,e:oon.ded:.b.Y Mr. H111 tlaat~, the lUlllbe:!-" in the line property ~1t~~~d o:ve;,,:,to)le usej1, ,at ,the ~ i beaQh. ':he motion ,was unan1DlOuslY"..~f~d. ;:;:!';:} ,," ~, It was moved by Mr. Hill thiit!~. Gr~~ey be author~zeii Fi' t~get in touh with Mr. Hobartand'se'eurep~ssion to remove :j'I'" .'he' ,ba th houses at the beach on his ad:jolnin'g proPerty tempo 1'- i I arily~ 'This motion was seconded and on roll call, unanimously "I" earrie4. I '_ .. " .. ..... .., _,_.:. ::-,,:.i-,.~\/'.:, .',' .... :\ It was moved by Mr. Hiil tha.\.M'r.;Lot :;t..i:;Smith be re- qt1es,ted to get in touch with Mr. Sabiil, with: a.v-1e1{:..pf trading his lot tor 1;8 hundred teet of the East' halt otthe Oity lot' 'Borth ot the Seaorelt. 'l'his mot ion was secOnded by Mr. Gracey and on roll call carried. . Mr., Hnl, c:>tfered the tolloW1X1g mot:toDc:>,~t the City l;le;t"~ be author,i~ed and instnctedt~~y tlie:.e;,..p~rney's toJ5the B~ndHoldel's ProtecUve As.ociatiOI1 th,e,oo'\ipo.n~,!~A~npresented, alllounting t~. approx.imately 1$25.00" .'. aIl4i()nprellEll:lr:iI~~ion ,ot, tliEi~ (!j~eJ.o'otdt$.i:!}\./I1 of manlW1alf.' Oii'"rIiJ'1'1"'1e'tl::r!'1~~~~mO'C'fi:ln\!ll'wfi''' UJIlanimoulOliy carried."'" -),' It wasmovei by :Mr. Gracey that . the O:!,.erk:~be authorized to pay the purchase pr1ee of $l000.00 tor the~~~iI1gton lot out at General J!'und,~the same to be transte;t"red tr()]]l;jtbB 'pecial I!I1provement Fund when and at such time as ,it lsreleased trom the' ma1lldamus suit now p$nding. The motion was se,oo:nded b,y Mr. Hill " " ~ , I , ~ ~ '" ~'':Irr , ,,! ;1 Council Chamber - Deoember 29th, 1953. and on roll call" the vote was as t6llows: Mr. Diggans yes, Mr. Foote no, Mr. Hill yes, and Mr. Gracey yes. It"ws:s moved', seoonded and"aarr1ed--thl:rt-"ColInc:1;':r..'--""'" adjourn. '> I< APPROVED: P"~ I J i , 1_ ~~<'-- ( I I . ;~, )~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ,