01-25-32 RegularThe Council met in regular session at 7:30 P, M,' The Mayor, Mr.~Berg, Mr. Crego, Mr. Diggans and Mr. Smith - were present, Mr. Ends ley being absent. The minutes of meeting held January 11th were rs Mr. Crego moved that the resolution regarding the offioe and employees of the City be reconsidered. The motion w seconded by Mr. Diggans and on ro]1 call unanimously ear Mr. Crego offeyy~~red-the fohl~~owing motion: That th at1~75.00 persmonthian~8,~aYe d i"ce~'Man ~ rame eoP Citp be on a yearly basis The- motion was seconded by Berg and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Berk Mr. Crego yea, Mr. Diggans no and Mr. Smith no. The mot was lost. P;4r. Berg offered the following motion.to amend ~~ part of -the resolution: That the auditor be paid a sel€ of20.00 per month. The motion was seconded by Mr. D1 and on•roll Dell unanimously carried. Mr. Berg then moved that the resolution and mini be adopted as amended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Diggans and on roll. call the vote was as follows: Mr.f yea, Mr. Crego yea, Mr. Diggans yea and Mr. Smith yea.;'" n!Ir. Diggans, of the Go1P Committee, reported the the bridge at the golf course had been repaired and was; in good condition. It was moved by Mr. Berg and seconded by Mr. that permission be granted the Firestone Service sta~ the Flamingo Service Station to remove the palm tree corner of their stations and also that the Flamingo be permitted to remove the light pole on the corner,.;; the same could be .done without interfering with the position of the "light. On roll call the motion was e ly carried. in ~ The of A communication was read frog Mr. A. E. g a share of the petroleum produots consumed,' communication was ordered filed pending the: an agreement tretween the two local oompariie _ b~ - Y'?i Council Chamber - January 25th, 1332. i It was moved by Mr. Diggans and seconded by Mr. Crego that the Chairman appoint a committee to assist the_ Council in working out a zoning ordinance. The motion waS ,;„ unanimously carried. , 'i~#' It_was Tegularly moved, seconded and ..carried that..., s.;;. current bills be referred to the Finance Committee. The following bills having been audited and 0, A.*d by the Finance Committee were referred back to the Council and ordered paid: Florida Power & Light Company963.20 Southern Be11 Telephone Company 14.07 Delray Beach Fire Departmen t 17.00 Miss. L. J. Nichols 5.00 Addressograph Sales Agency 2.03 Peninsular Supply Company ,g0 Fairbanks, Morse 8c Company 4.20 Ocean City Lumber Company 36.81 Love Drug Company 1.00 Delray Beach News 4,00 Delray Lumber Company 30.55 i M~^V It was regularly moved, seconded and carried ghat the Clerk be authorized to purchase three pairs of handcuff for use of the police department. The following resolution was then introduced and read: A RESOLUTION BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'` DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DEFINING AND DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS AID ALLEYS WITHIN SAID CITY 6S ONE-WAY DRIVES. WHEREAS the condition of traffic on Southeast First! Avenue in the vicinity of the Post Office is, at certain times of the day, extremely eonjested. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the authority aforesaid that Southeast First Avenue, from the interse~tio thereof with Atlantic Avenue South to that one certain el~~` lying dire etly`in-the rear of the`Ceaa Del Rey properti~" and the ,same is hereby de Pined and designated as a one-way;? drive South. "' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that that one said alley, lyg " directly back of'Casa Del Rey properties and between Sp ~ First Avenue and Southeast Second venue, be defined, dens-i~'j ted and declared as a one-way drive East, ~~ 4 ~;; ~ ~, wY ~t A~~. '. ri r~" i k3t h+`. qC~p i1 w. ~~ ~ tli i ' Council Chamber - January 25th, 1932. ,; Mr. Berg moved the adoption of the resolution. The` motion was seconded by Mr. Diggans and on roll call unani- mously carried. __.:, It vaas regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn, Gity GlerY. APPROVED: ~~ President of the Council.