03-14-32 Regularr -- courrclL cx~~ March 14th, 1932. The Coune it met in regular session at ?:30 P. M. The. Mayor and all members oY the Council were present. _i The minutes of meeting he ld February 22nd, 1932,. were read and approved. A communication was read from the .American LaFrance & Foamite Ccanpany regarding past cbue interest on fixe notes. The same was ordered .filed. A communication acs read from Mr. w. S. McLin, State t Motor Vehicle Commissioner, regarding the purchase of tags for fire engines.. The same was ordered filed. '. 4 The following moti on was offered by Mr. Berg: That the Clerk b® authorized and instructed to notifq people who have advertising signs on public property to remove same with0nt ti .delay. The. mot ion was seconded by Mr. Grego and carried. A communication was read from the Delray Tea Adjustment s Company demanding payment on past dne bonds.and"interest eoupons.k It aas moved by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. Endsley and carried that the letter be .filed for future reference. ~ Mx. Berg,©ffered the foll.owin g motion: That the City ~ Clerk be authorized and in8trnated tc> pay the Palm Beach Oompany ' the funds now on hand hgt'eside for the purpose of meeting int- erect coupons held by that Company. The motion was seconded by Mr. Grego and on roll sell unanimously carried. L , On motion duly made, seconded and carried the matter of removing a palm tree from the street at Second Street and Swinton Avenue S. L., was referred to the Street Committee with power to act. On motion duly made, seconded and carried permission was granted Mr. H. w. Brown to remove and reset certain palm trees on his property in Dell Park. It was moved, seconded and carried that the porch at t}}e ~,;,~~... Chamber of Commerce Hall b® repel red. ~ t. ~~^~..~~ On motion duly made, seconded and carried the woman's "' Club was granted permission to use the Chamber of Commerce Hall. f for the purpose of conducting a flower show on March 18th and-19tb~. !~, Mr. Berg then offered the following motion: Ths~t~Mthe~, ll woman's Club be granted free use of the City truck to transport=~. .z H, pY k i h4} > Sd` 34 2p ~ ~ - -. i~ ~~. ~~ .._ ~~ _. Council Chamber -March 14th, 1932. .~ ,,~ palms and plants to and from the Plower show. The motion was seconded by Mr. Endsley and unanimously carried. The City Attorney reported that he had investigated the law regarding the Mayor revoking oecupat ional license oP parties convicted of violating the prohibition law in their place of business, and that he 2a d failed to find where the. Mayor tras given such authority. The following ordinance was then brought up for second reading and adoption: AN ORDINANCE BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL~,~j OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING AN ORDINANCE, MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TO DRIVE OR OPERATE AN AUTOMOBILE OR OTHER VEHICLE UPON ANY' PUBLIC STREET OR WAY WITHIN THE CITY OF DEIE2AY BEACH WHILE IN7:UXICATED OR UIJDE~ THEN. INFLUENCE OF INTOXIGATIATG LIQUORS, ADID PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR' TAE VLOLATION THEREOF. ~~< Mr. Endsley moved that the ordinance be amended by atrik ~' ing the words X300.00 and making it ~500.0C1. The amendment was >' lost for want of a secca~d. Mr. Berg moved that the ordinance be adopted as read. ~~ The motion was seconded b y Mr. Diggans and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Berg ye s, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. bigggns yea,. Mr. Endsley no and Mr. Smith no. The motion was carried. The following ordinance was then read in full: AN ORDIN ANCE BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEAC$;-~~': FLORIDA, ABffiQDING AN ORDINANCE, MAKII~TG IT UEfI,AWFUL TO MANUFAC- TURE, SELLy POSSESS OR TRANSPORT IRTOSICATING LIQUORS AND PEE ~ a SCRIBING THE FINE FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. ~, Berg moved that "° the ordinance be passed on seoond reading and adoption. The motion was seconded by Mr. Diggans. :'; Mr. Endsley moved that the ordinance be amended to rear X500,00 inatAad oP ~200.Op, The amendment was lost for want-ot a second. The roll call on the passage and adoption was as Po13 l~r. Berg yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Diggans,yes, Mr. Endsley no Mr. Smith no. The motion was carried. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that cuI bills be referred to the Finance Committee. The Poilowing b having been audited and 0, g.+d by the Finance Commit,~es i;t,e regularly loved, seoonded"and carried that they be ,paid: ""~"` Wilbur Haye s Taylor Auto Company w, 0. VPintt Delxay Beach News Fishers, Inc., Delray Beach'Fire Dept. ~ 8.00 2nnn -. ,_ - Council Chamber - 4Sarch 14th, 1932. Brennan & Plastridge The Coffee Shop Geo. VP. Fowler Company Service Garage ~V. A. Jones Plestern Union Telegraph Co. F i Neptune Meter C onpan y Firestcae Service Stores J. Myers & son Delray Electric Canpany 187,50 9:45 1.50 2:40 3.79 ,92 1Q.54 1;05 1.25 2..40 x m'. That he The following motion was offered by Mr".Berg: the City Clerk be athorized and instrucsted to notlYy Florida Power & Light Company to discontinue the City lights on April first, 1932. The motion uae lost for e second. That the Presidentiof theiCouneilobeeared is h~erebygauthori to malae the following proposition to the Community Churoh , ,. that in order to widen Bronson Avenue leading Bonth from..`;` Atlantic Avenue to the Chuneh that the City:mf Delray Bene] ready and willing"to,dedieate five feet of.grouadfrom Sher. end of Lot 7 Blbok 2, Ooean Park, providing, said Communi:'t Church Ri).1 donate a similiar five feet oP ground from t$: end. of Lots. $, 9, 10, ll, 22 and l3 in Blook` 2, 0eean Pali The motioa was seconded By Mr. Crego and oa roll Ball unari ly carried. It was. regularly moved, aeeonded and parried that t Counoil adjourn. I APPROPED: ~'G -f ~' ~~,~ :, President of the Council.