05-23-32 Regular courrczL cxaMS~R Maq 23rd, 1932. The Council met in re gular session at 7:30 P. M. The Mayor and following members of the Counoil were present: J:" Mr. Berg, Mr. Crego, Mr. Diggans and Mr: Smith. The minutes of meetings held Maq 9th and Maq 10th, 1932, were read and approved. ~` ~ ~`• - ,? A eommuntcation was read fxum Mrs. F`lorenee L.` Sehlecskser, ' ' , with reference to obtaining widows exemption and on motion dtilg ri ' made, seconded and carried the Clerk was instructed to allow ~ ~ +- Mrs. Sehleekser the widows exemption. * A communication was read fr€ml b'lrs. Axchie S. Fitch with , }~ reference to securing a reihnd on taxes elretsdy paid on account of widows exemption. oa motion dulq made, seconded sad csarried =':. x ~ the Clerk was instructed to advise Mrs. Fitch that the Gouaail , would be unable to grant her request in as much as the time for ~+_ ~ making application had expired. sa~~ zw f: ~~ The report from the State Board of Health on the Oitq water was read and ordered filed. ::: A request was read from Mr. Geo. H. Hartleq with refer- k'~ -` once to pagment on past due interest coupons. ~h motioa dnlq ~ ~~~ made, seconded and carried this matter was referred to the ` a~~, N; Clerk for investigation and report findings to the Finance C a' ommitte®. Mr. Berg offered the following motion: That the plan of reducing the street lights be referred to the li ght committee with power to act. The motion was seconded bq Mr. Crego cad ~„~ ~ ~"' carried. `~ ~,y, ' ~° The following motion was offered bq Mr. Diggaas: That +%"rf ;~v. the Clerk be authorized and instrne tad tm aoae tan .order .can p ~ ~~°~~` W. 0. wine Por hie salar as auditor and a Y pplq same on Cit3%~ ~~ =~ h taxes. The motion was seconded bq• Mr. Berge and carried. < ~ ~~" The following resolution was offered bq Mr. niggans: , h ~~ `''': ~`'` `' ~ ~ WHEREAS the death of R. P. Endsleq eansed a vaeaneq on the &Yity „~' 6ouncil and Wf~REA3 Magor Hall issued°a proclamation ealliag. ; ~~,pr _ for an election to be he ld on June 7th,. 1932, to elect a Cogneil- ; ;' man at Lar@;e to fill-the unexpired term of said R. P Eadsleq... ~' ~ " ~ : , ~,< - ~ ~. ~.a, ~_ , ,; »,~:. Council Chamber - Asay 23rd, 1932. AND SEAS the following petitions for said offipe, which Pied by the City Clerk and found number of registered voters: T. E. B. FOOTS, P/. A, JACCBS, A, W. I . TfTLENIL . candidates have filed their have been checked and certi- to be signed by the required L. BARRCN, R. C: CUPTILL, AdILLER, T. A. RAPIIS and JCA31v N09V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and instruoted to have ballots printed, registration list ehepked and certified and make such other preparations as may be nepessary for the holding oP said el~e- tion. W - Mr. Diggans moved the adoption of the resolution, which was seconded by bir, Berg and unanimously parried. The following qualif ied voters were selected ea election officers to serve at the Spepial Election June 7th, 1932: Chas. A. Reed, 4®. N. Kling, George ARayberry, inspectors and Abrs: Sara ~~< ~. Keen Clerk, >a. Arlr, Diggans offered the Pollowing motion: That the above #`1 named offipers be appointed to hold the eleption. The motion was seconded by A4r: Crego and unanimously parried.. ~ On motion duly made, seconded and carried the Clerk was ~~~ authorized to pay the members of the eleption board ~4,OC per t day and one meal each. The following motion was offered by ~Ir. Crego; That they City Attorney be authorized and instructed to gnawer the Adea- dam~s now pending in the Circuit Cazrt•and if the demands were in every way regular to pay the interest coupons presented.. The :'a motion was seconded by Adr. Berg and on roll pall unanimously parried. ABr. Berg offered the following motion: That the City: Attorney be authorized end ins trotted to answer tnd resiat'the ~;rt suit filed by S. ohs Smith in an attempt to have hie property ~ ' eaoluded from the City of Delray Beaph. The motion was seconded s by Mr. Diggans and on roll pall the vote was as follows; AQr. Berg yes, Adr. Crego nv, Bdr. Diggans qe s and Air: Smith gas. a ., .~ It was moved, seconded and carried that the portent bills be referred to the Finanoe Committee. The following bills+ having been au dited and D. K.*d by the Finance Committee were referred back to the Council and ordered paid: 1 Council Chamber - May 23rd, 1932. Defray Beach Fire Department Delray Beach Nevua Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Fred E. Fenno, Clerk, Florida Power & Light Compatty Southern Bell Telephone Go. The Great A & P Tea Company Farquhar Machinery Company Typewriter Exchange ~ 38.00 3.75 14.45 4.75 506.37 18.95 2.80 2.80 3,00 .?' k ~,.,;- ~• It Was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Council adjourn to meet Monday, June 6th, 1932, at 7:30 P. M „~": APPR04ED: ~~ ~~ W V f .~.: ~/~1///1 President of the ounoil. ~"t .~; kt i~ W 3 F~~ ~~~//,~ FT~~L {y €, I ~. 3 ~ i ~v y~M `;jn r ~ L i~K~,