12-12-32 Regular.,.~ COUNCIL CHAMBER December 12th, 1932. The Council mkt in regular session at 7c30 P: 'M. The Mayor and all members of the Council were present. Q ~ The minutes of meetings held November-28th and December 5th were read and of ter eorreeting the second motion made by Mr. Grago, on Page 30Z, with reference to securing bond for Mr. Nilson to read"That 2. S.•Wilson " be required to give a bond guaranteeing the return of all e ui ment d f t'1' r a (, _ ~y~ q p an er i izer as per in w ice listed on original contract" were read and apprr~ved. Communications were read fre~m the B. F. Goodrich _ Rubber Company, Matthattan Rubber Company a.nd,Eureka Fare Hose Company with reference-to securing°bds on fire-hose and the same were ordered Piled fore: ifut~-re rePerenee: `: ~ ~aa;}s, ,;,; On motion duly ma de, secon ded and carried the Fire Committee was instructed to nvestigete.ancl secure prices,--> cn Pirs hose and report at the neat regular meeting. The application of G. N. Oliver for the position of life guard at the ocean beach was read"'and ordered filed. The application of T. ,A. Rawls for the position"of City Clerk was lead and ordered filed. The report of the Committee appointed to cancel bonds and interest coupons accepted in pa~ment'of taxes and other sources was read and ordered filed'. Mr. Diggans then presented and read a`form of ~ personal bond prepared Por L. S. Nilsom as lessee of the '~ s golf Esourse. Mr. Crego o~fe~.ed,,t~e~~ 1~~4,~ing,:motion.,-~ x...., That the golf committee be instructed o;secure a X350;00 indemnity bond if possible, guaranteeing the `safe return of equipment and fertilizer as gerlinvoiee'on contract. The motion was seconded bg Mr. Diggans aitid on roll-call the vote was as follows: Mr. Berg?'passed, Mr."~rego yes, Mr. Diggans yes, Mr. Jacobs yes and ~Hr. Smith yes. `4Y fir. Jacobs offered- the Yolloaitl~sq~Tnotion: That the Clerk be authorized and .instructed to ~~otfy Dr.,, A, D. ,s a ,. q ~, Council Chamber -December 12th, 1932 Snowles that the ordinance recently passed regarding the sale of milk and other dairy products was now a law and that he had been regularly appointed by the Council as official milk and dairy iaspeetor, to serve ~ithout com- pensation. The motion..was.seconded b.y.Mr..._.rego..and_. ._,_.__r_._.._.. unanimously carried. ~ ~_~, It was moved, seconded and carried that current bills, includin~ the pay of election officers, be referred to the Finance ommittee. The following bills having ' been addited and O.K.'d by the Finance Committee were referred back to the Council and on roll call ordered paid: J. L. Grier ~ 10.00 P1. A. Tones 11.40 Adams Hardware :92 Delray Beach News 2Q.75 p . ,-- _~ i ~, I~ That the ballot box. used in the pity eleetion.om December 6th., 1932, be opened and the: returns canvassed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dig~ans-and carried. Air. Crego moved that the ballots °be recounted on the grounds that. a possible,error`might have been made in the tall This motion was 1 st f t f d Orange State Qil Company 99.72 Delray Beach Motors, Inc., 11.70 Standard Oil company 7.14 Delray Lumber Company 12.50 Fisher, Inc., 2,7Q Florida Power & Light Co: 37.50 - Flamingo Service Station 2:10 Dewey Parker _ _ 4s00 Dewey Morris 4.00 ~. A. Rawls `4.00 J. L. Troup 4.00 , The following motion :was offered by Mr. Jacobs: _y._ o ~ .R~ ,watt.~No ,,,a~yseemn r-.._ a ~.~ ~..w.~,. -1'he following resolution was then introduced by Mr: Jacobs, who moved the adopt ion, the 'motion was seconded by Mr': Berg and on r©11 call the vote was"as follows: Mr. Berg yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. i~iggans passed, Mr: Jacobs eyes and Mr. Smith yes: 9~iEREA5 in keeping with the'City Charte-r of the City- of Delray Beach and pursuant to the Mayors call the City of ~~ Council Chamber - December 12th, 1932. i Delray Beach, Florida, did hold an election on Tuesday, _ _.. the 6th day of December, A. D. 1932, for the purpose of electing two Councilmen at Large, AND CVHEREAS ~ election, b oax d ._apRo ~.n ~ ed_. t o_ hold :_. w._.__.. , ,..._,__.~ said election has made the following returns and tabula- tions: ar _ John Berg 185 LeRoy Diggans 208 E. B. Foote 232 09. J. Johnston 206 ~ NOVP, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the authority aforesaid .that we declare LeRoy Biggans and E. B. Foote elected Councilmen at Large for the ensuing $e rm. -;-, {