12-19-32 Adjourned Regular17...
Efecember 19th, 1932.
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The Council met in adjourned regular session at 7:30
'~ P. M. The Mayor and all members of the Council were present.
Mr. Diggans, Chairman of the Park Committee, reported
that on account of .the sand having fi7~:ed in the beach that
the shower baths were useless until additional pipe was added
to raise them. He also recomne nded that a small platform
~.ā¢ constructed of slats be built under the shower baths. It was
regularly moved, seconded and carried that this :work be done..
Mr. Grego offered the Pollowing motion: That. signs be
posted at the beach warning bathers that certain dress re-
strictions must be observed. The motion was seconded by Mr:
smith and carried.
d couanunication was read Prom the Delray,Heach Kiwanis
' i Club thanking the Council for the is cooperation given in the'"
lā_~ setting out of the shrubbery in different parts of the:City.-
A communication was also read from Messrs.. Brennan end
Plastridge with reference to securing a surety, bond for Mr.-
L. S. T~ilson. The same was ordered filed.
A bill for X32.00 of Belray Beach' Fire Depar ment,
,~~ which had been .O.K.'d by the Finance Committee;'was referred
back to the Council and on roll eeh ordered paid.
.The matter of purchasing additional Pire`hose was then
taken up. 'The agents .representing the Eureka,;. Manhattan and'-
Goodrich: Companies came before the Council and exhibited,
samples of their hose. Mr. Smith moved that .the City ;.purchase
five hundred feet of Eureka Paragon hose at X1:20 per foot,
two hundred feet oP Manhattan hose at
88¢ and two hundred feet of Goodrich hose at
89¢. The above prices all include-.prepaid freight to Delray
Beach and a 2~ discount for cash. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Grego and onroll call tka rro tion was;unanimansly,,ear ~ d.
~~ ~ v'
~ +~;,
Mr. D. Ii. Parker came bef ore the Council with referai3ce tt"ā¢5 `
to the plumbing ordinance under which we are now operating':
The otter was discussed at considerable length, after v+hi.ch
Mr. Smith moved that the natter be referred to'the Ordinance
j Committee to investigate and report. The motion tivas`seconded
~ by Mr. Grego and carried.
Council Chamber -December 19th, 1932.
T~ir. Smith then presented and read a resolution with
reference to the allocating of street lights on the beach.
The matter was held over until the next meeting for action.
Tne question of an ordinance or a resolution fixing.
the salaries of City_off'icials for the comixtg.year.._was_.then...,, ._...__..ā
taken up and discussed at le ngth. T~Qr. mote offered the
following motion: That the Cazncil proceed to draw an
ordinance fixing the salaries of Gity officials for the
ensuing year. The mot ion was seconded by Mr. Crego and on
roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Grego yes fir.
Diggans no, Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Jacobs no and Mr. smith no. !
The motion was lost. i
Mr. Smith mooed that no changes be made in the number
of members or their duties on standing committees. The
motiott was seconded by Mr. Grego and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. ~nith that the City gttorney be
instructAd to apply for tax deeds on property delinquent for
1929 takes and prior thereto situated in the former town of
Delray Deach. The motion was seconded by Mr. Grego and on
roll call unanimously carried.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that`
the Council adjourn.
resident o the C il.