08-24-31 RegularCOUNCIL CHAR August 24th, 1931, The Council met in regalar session at 7:30 P. M. ,~ The following members were present: 3ar. Berg, Mr. biggeas, btr. Endsleq and Mx. Smith, Doat®r Love being absent. • The minutes of meetings held August 10th, 12th sad 14th. ,~.` were read and after correcting paragraph mne on page seventeen ~~- to read. as fellows: "That the City Clerk be authorized to charge off the Otis whaleq note for X100.00 and the gquitq #n ' the dell Park lot serried as assets in the police department" , ~ _' , r the minutes were approved, , x°~ Y4.,` On motion dulq made, seconded and carried the matter ©f having certain telephahe pales rem®ved en East Atlantic Avenue ,,,~: was referred to the Street Committee. A~`^~< ""` It was regularlq moved, see®nded sad carried that the:` Street sad Saaitarq Committees be authorized to install Pive water hydrants ibr public use is the eolored seetioa of the rk=~~! Citq. # , ,{ G mr. Berg offered the f®llowing motion: That the Clea3~~'~~~ be iastruated to notiYq ffir. C. A. B. Z®ok t® remove the`:sereti' " pines and ether shrubberq which he had placed on East Atlantic' sad Seabreeze Avenues bq September 15th, 1931, otherwise, the"", Citq w®uld procseed t® lisp®se of them. The motion was sea®n~e,";, b BQT Di q ggans and unanimousl q carried. ` It was moved bq Mr. Diggana, seconded bq Mr. Berg and unax~im®u slq serried that the Citq Attorneq, John H. Adams, bs~ ~. paid the sum of X150,00 for eapense and professional services ~~:: rendered in the ease of the City of Helraq Beach Ys Sara EYE -~ "` • Cronk. . It was moved, seconded and serried that current bi11s . be referred to the Finaa6e Gemmittee. The following bills having been audited and 0. K.'d bq the Finance Committee were ;" 4^ " referred beak to the Council and on roll call ®rd®red paid: " , , ;<s~"," Columbian Iron yorka $247,50 ~d . 9P, E. Hankins 800 ~ ~ Carl E. Ericsson 2.80 `s Brennan & Plastridge 23.88 ~, z - " L. J. Nichols 38.85 . .- a 3~' ' ~ Southern Bell Telephone Co. 14.9 `~"~ Council Chamber - ®ugust 24th, 1931. J. H. Adams ~15ppp Florida Pewer & Lt. Go. 561.44 `Ifelray Beach Fire Dept. 12.5C `~~~; r ~: ~;:; €- It was moved by fir. Diggans that the Ghaixman of the street Committee be authorized to draw ~ `r' cations fer tLe shed at the water plant.p pThesm~ionpwasfi y.x sees®ade8 by Pdr. Lndsley and carried. ~' t® the ~ ~ ~• J' Jehnsti°an addressed the. Cemtnoil~in ref'erenc'e *~' at the , ~ ~®hasing the grand stand re©ently constinxcted ~ park. Cn motion duly made,. seeE~nded and carried the matter was deferred until the nett regular meeting. It was regnlerly mcsved, ascended and carried that ~ r~i~ Council adJ®urn tes meet ~esday, September 1st, 1951, at ~ ,~ , a ~. ~. ;~~~: .~, ~ ~,~ ~~z APPROVED: ~~ ~' ~~ ~ President esf t e Ceauneil, {,, r:: T.'. ,~