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09-01-31 Adjourned Regular
`~ ~~. ~' a eourrclL exrm~BEx ' ; September 1, 1931. The Council met in a stated and adjourned regular_ meeting at 1:45 P M All _w._ . . . members of the Council were present. In keeping with Section Sixty-five of the City Charter the t r ma te of adopting a budget for the coming ~iaeal year was taken u ~; p. ~, ,, Attorneys Kearley and Fisher of West Palm Beach , representing certain bond fielders, were present and discussed different it P ems o the budget which the Pittance C©mmittee had prepared. They requested that a sufficient millage be levied. on the assessm®nt t© meet all defaults and interest and bond me`lrities f®r th e coming fiscal year. _ Mr.. Berg moved the ad®ption ®f the budget as presented The motion was seconded by Mr Dig ns d th ' ;~-; . ga an e rc>11 eallmwas, as foil®wsz Mr. Berg yea, Mr. Diggans so, Mr. Endsley no , Doctor Love no and Mr. Smith no. The mmtien was declared lost ? ~ It was moved by Mr. Endsley and seconded by Mr. Diggsae that the matter of buying the d a gran st nd at the ball . park be laid over until the next regular meeting. , x ,s. 1~ Cn motion duly made, seconded and carried the Clerk was instructed to write M T L ~~? r. . . Jordan, District Superintendent? of the Southern Bell Tel,ephohe Ca~npan re ti h ,:;fin y, ques ng t at certain pol®s ®n East Atlantic be removed from the street. ~~~: ,Mr. Diggans then offered the following motion: That,.- the C®until adjourn t t ~~ o mee Tuesday, September 8th, at 2 p, Itd The motion. was seconded by Mr. Hndsley and unanimously earned _" ~ . The Ccuneil adjourned. . ;~ , t y~~ ~ ~ , ~' i. ski z >.{ .City Clerk. APPROVED: - ,~, ~~~ ~ i dY ~ President. of the Council. s ~: W' ~=