09-08-31 Adjourned Regulark~
eourrclz cxa~Ex
September 8th, 1931.
The Council met in adjourned regular session at 2 P. bd.
All members were present.
The following motioai was ®ffered by H6r. Diggans: That
the sum of ~500.CC be appropriated and set aside from the T
Special Improvement Fund for the purpose of cresting a shed at ~
the water plant, and the water Committee wsa authorized to
begin work on the foundation at onoe as per plans filed. The
meti®n was seconded by Mr. Berg and on roll call unanimously
A communication was read from Mr: C: A. B. Zook with r
reference to the City giving him an extension of time to re- u
move certain shrubbery Pram Atlant3cs and Seabreeze Avenues $;~-
and mn motion duly made, seconded and carried the Clerk was
instructed to advise &Ir. hook that they would extend the time
', __' as requested.
fir. biggans offered the following motion That the
Clerk be authorized and ixsstraoted to dispose of one share oP , p.~;
Pdasonic Temple Association stook now held }~~ the City to ? '
secure a delinquent water and light account for the sum of3
~5Ci04. The motion was seconded by l~r. Endsley and on tell
ealZ the vote was as follows: Mr. Berg passed, Mr: Diggans '
yes, Mr: ~ndsley yes, Doctor Love yes and Cdr. Smith yes:, The
m®tion was declared carried..
Mr. Berg then offered the following motion: That .the
budget prepared by the Finance Ccammi.ttee for the years 1831-32
be adopted. The mcation was seconded by Ii~r. Mggans snd on '
roll calf the vote was as follows: blr. Berg yes, Mr: Diggans
yoas, fir: l~ndsley no, Doctor Love no and,Mr. Smith no: The
motion was declared lost. r,
Cn motion duly made, seconded and carried the Fixe
Committee was authorized de purchase an oil can, pump and
plug for the Yire department. ~`"
It was moved, seconded ani oarried that current bills a .'
be referred to the Finance Committee. The following bills
having been audited and 0. K:'d by the ginence Committee were
LL,f referred back to the Gounail and on ro13. call ordered paid:;
-- Z: W. Cook ~ 1b~00
~ Delray Heating & Plumbing 11C94
k .--
COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 8th, 1931.
Service Garage ~ 2.~5
Delray Beach Motors, Inc. .15
Flestern Union .78
Farquhar Machinery Co. ..
Standard Oil Company 80,51
Red Cross Pharmacy. ,50
Delray Beatsh News 46.10
The Iron Shop 4.10
.Adams Hardware 3.25
Central Foundry Company 881:21
R. C. Guptill 6:50
Fisher, Ino., %, 35
Firestone Service Stores 5.10
The Paint Store 1.10
Delray Electri,e Co~}psn~ 4.80 ~
Ocean City Lumber ea~pany 1826 ';'
Delray Beach Fire Dept: 40100
,~ <.
It wastt~sved, seconded and serried that Council :..~~.
President oP the euncil.